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Structural and Functional MRI Differences in Master Sommeliers: A Pilot Study on Expertise in the Brain




Our experiences, even as adults, shape our brains. Regional differences have been found in experts, with the regions associated with their particular skill-set. Functional differences have also been noted in brain activation patterns in some experts. This study uses multimodal techniques to assess structural and functional patterns that differ between experts and non-experts. Sommeliers are experts in wine and thus in olfaction. We assessed differences in Master Sommeliers’ brains, compared with controls, in structure and also in functional response to olfactory and visual judgment tasks. MRI data were analyzed using voxel-based morphometry as well as automated parcellation to assess structural properties, and group differences between tasks were calculated. Results indicate enhanced volume in the right insula and entorhinal cortex, with the cortical thickness of the entorhinal correlating with experience. There were regional activation differences in a large area involving the right olfactory and memory regions, with heightened activation specifically for sommeliers during an olfactory task. Our results indicate that sommeliers’ brains show specialization in the expected regions of the olfactory and memory networks, and also in regions important in integration of internal sensory stimuli and external cues. Overall, these differences suggest that specialized expertise and training might result in enhancements in the brain well into adulthood. This is particularly important given the regions involved, which are the first to be impacted by many neurodegenerative diseases.
机译:即使成人,我们的经历也会影响我们的大脑。在专家中发现了地区差异,地区与他们的特定技能相关。在一些专家中,大脑激活模式也注意到了功能差异。本研究使用多峰技术评估专家和非专家之间不同的结构和功能模式。侍酒师是葡萄酒和嗅觉方面的专家。与对照相比,我们评估了侍酒师大师大脑的结构,嗅觉和视觉判断任务的功能以及功能上的差异。 MRI数据使用基于体素的形态计量学以及自动分割技术进行分析,以评估结构特性,并计算任务之间的组差异。结果表明右岛和内层皮质的体积增加,内层皮质的厚度与经验相关。在涉及正确的嗅觉和记忆区域的大面积区域中存在区域激活差异,在嗅觉任务期间,专门针对侍酒师的激活增强。我们的结果表明,侍酒师的大脑在嗅觉和记忆网络的预期区域以及内部感觉刺激和外部提示整合的重要区域表现出专门化。总体而言,这些差异表明专门的专业知识和培训可能导致成年后大脑的功能增强。考虑到所涉及的区域,这尤其重要,该区域首先受到许多神经退行性疾病的影响。



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