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Simultaneous Reality Filtering and Encoding of Thoughts: The Substrate for Distinguishing between Memories of Real Events and Imaginations?




Any thought, whether it refers to the present moment or reflects an imagination, is again encoded as a new memory trace. Orbitofrontal reality filtering (ORFi) denotes an on-line mechanism which verifies whether upcoming thoughts relate to ongoing reality or not. Its failure induces reality confusion with confabulations and disorientation. If the result of this process were simultaneously encoded, it would easily explain later distinction between memories relating to a past reality and memories relating to imagination, a faculty called reality monitoring. How the brain makes this distinction is unknown but much research suggests that it depends on processes active when information is encoded. Here we explored the precise timing between ORFi and encoding as well as interactions between the involved brain structures. We used high-density evoked potentials and two runs of a continuous recognition task (CRT) combining the challenges of ORFi and encoding. ORFi was measured by the ability to realize that stimuli appearing in the second run had not appeared in this run yet. Encoding was measured with immediately repeated stimuli, which has been previously shown to induce a signal emanating from the medial temporal lobe (MTL), which has a protective effect on the memory trace. We found that encoding, as measured with this task, sets in at about 210 ms after stimulus presentation, 35 ms before ORFi. Both processes end at about 330 ms. Both were characterized by increased coherence in the theta band in the MTL during encoding and in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) during ORFi. The study suggests a complex interaction between OFC and MTL allowing for thoughts to be re-encoded while they undergo ORFi. The combined influence of these two processes at 200–300 ms may leave a memory trace that allows for later effortless reality monitoring in most everyday situations.
机译:任何想法,无论是指当前时刻还是反映了想象力,都再次被编码为新的记忆轨迹。眶额现实过滤(ORFi)表示一种在线机制,用于验证即将发生的想法是否与进行中的现实有关。它的失败引起了虚构和迷失方向的现实困惑。如果同时对这一过程的结果进行编码,则可以很容易地解释与过去现实有关的记忆和与想象有关的记忆之间的区别,这就是所谓的现实监控。大脑如何进行这种区分尚不得而知,但许多研究表明,这取决于信息编码时活跃的过程。在这里,我们探索了ORFi与编码之间的精确时序以及所涉及的大脑结构之间的相互作用。我们使用了高密度诱发电位和两次连续识别任务(CRT)的运行,结合了ORFi和编码的挑战。通过确定第二轮中尚未出现刺激的能力来测量ORFi。使用立即重复的刺激来测量编码,该刺激先前已被证明会诱导出内侧颞叶(MTL)发出的信号,该信号对记忆轨迹具有保护作用。我们发现,根据此任务进行的测量,编码在刺激提示后约210毫秒,ORFi之前约35毫秒开始设置。两个过程均在约330毫秒处结束。两者的特征都在于在编码过程中MTL中theta谱带和在ORFi过程中眶额皮质(OFC)中相干性增强。该研究表明,OFC和MTL之间复杂的交互作用使思想在经历ORFi时得以重新编码。这两个过程在200–300 ms的综合影响下,可能会留下一条存储轨迹,以便以后在大多数日常情况下轻松监视现实情况。



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