首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Filaria Journal >Path analyses of cross-sectional and longitudinal data suggest that variability in natural communities of blood-associated parasites is derived from host characteristics and not interspecific interactions

Path analyses of cross-sectional and longitudinal data suggest that variability in natural communities of blood-associated parasites is derived from host characteristics and not interspecific interactions




BackgroundThe parasite composition of wild host individuals often impacts their behavior and physiology, and the transmission dynamics of pathogenic species thereby determines disease risk in natural communities. Yet, the determinants of parasite composition in natural communities are still obscure. In particular, three fundamental questions remain open: (1) what are the relative roles of host and environmental characteristics compared with direct interactions between parasites in determining the community composition of parasites? (2) do these determinants affect parasites belonging to the same guild and those belonging to different guilds in similar manners? and (3) can cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses work interchangeably in detecting community determinants? Our study was designed to answer these three questions in a natural community of rodents and their fleas, ticks, and two vector-borne bacteria.
机译:背景野生寄主个体的寄生虫成分通常会影响其行为和生理,而致病物种的传播动态从而决定了自然群落中的疾病风险。然而,自然界中寄生虫组成的决定因素仍然不清楚。特别是,三个基本问题仍然悬而未决:(1)在确定寄生虫的群落组成方面,与寄生虫之间的直接相互作用相比,宿主和环境特征的相对作用是什么? (2)这些决定因素是否以相似的方式影响属于同一行会的寄生虫和属于不同行会的寄生虫? (3)横截面分析和纵向分析在检测社区决定因素时是否可以互换工作?我们的研究旨在在啮齿动物及其跳蚤,tick虫和两种媒介传播细菌的自然群落中回答这三个问题。



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