
Redox Paradox




Propelled by the identification of a small family of NADPH oxidase (Nox) enzyme homologs that produce superoxide in response to cellular stimulation with various growth factors, renewed interest has been generated in characterizing the signaling effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in relation to insulin action. Two key observations made >30 years ago—that oxidants can facilitate or mimic insulin action and that H2O2 is generated in response to insulin stimulation of its target cells— have led to the hypothesis that ROS may serve as second messengers in the insulin action cascade. Specific molecular targets of insulin-induced ROS include enzymes whose signaling activity is modified via oxidative biochemical reactions, leading to enhanced insulin signal transduction. These positive responses to cellular ROS may seem “paradoxical” because chronic exposure to relatively high levels of ROS have also been associated with functional β-cell impairment and the chronic complications of diabetes. The best-characterized molecular targets of ROS are the protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) because these important signaling enzymes require a reduced form of a critical cysteine residue for catalytic activity. PTPs normally serve as negative regulators of insulin action via the dephosphorylation of the insulin receptor and its tyrosine-phosphorylated cellular substrates. However, ROS can rapidly oxidize the catalytic cysteine of target PTPs, effectively blocking their enzyme activity and reversing their inhibitory effect on insulin signaling. Among the cloned Nox homologs, we have recently provided evidence that Nox4 may mediate the insulin-stimulated generation of cellular ROS and is coupled to insulin action via the oxidative inhibition of PTP1B, a PTP known to be a major regulator of the insulin signaling cascade. Further characterization of the molecular components of this novel signaling cascade, including the mechanism of ROS generated by insulin and the identification of various oxidation-sensitive signaling targets in insulin-sensitive cells, may provide a novel means of facilitating insulin action in states of insulin resistance.
机译:通过鉴定一小类NADPH氧化酶(Nox)酶同系物,这些同系物会响应各种生长因子对细胞的刺激而产生超氧化物,因此人们对表征活性氧(ROS)相对于胰岛素的信号传导作用产生了新的兴趣行动。 > 30年前所作的两项重要观察-氧化剂可以促进或模拟胰岛素作用,并且H2O2是在对其靶细胞进行胰岛素刺激后产生的-提出了以下假设:ROS可能是胰岛素作用级联中的第二信使。胰岛素诱导的ROS的特定分子靶标包括其信号活性通过氧化生化反应而被修饰的酶,从而导致增强的胰岛素信号转导。这些对细胞ROS的积极反应似乎“自相矛盾”,因为长期暴露于相对较高水平的ROS也与功能性β细胞损伤和糖尿病的慢性并发症有关。 ROS最具特征性的分子靶标是蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶(PTP),因为这些重要的信号酶需要还原型的关键半胱氨酸残基才能发挥催化活性。 PTP通常通过胰岛素受体及其酪氨酸磷酸化的细胞底物的去磷酸化作用,充当胰岛素作用的负调节剂。但是,ROS可以快速氧化目标PTP的催化半胱氨酸,有效阻断其酶活性并逆转其对胰岛素信号传导的抑制作用。在克隆的Nox同源物中,我们最近提供了证据,表明Nox4可能介导胰岛素刺激的细胞ROS生成,并通过PTP1B的氧化抑制作用与胰岛素作用耦合,PTP1B是已知的胰岛素信号级联反应的主要调节剂。此新型信号转导级联的分子成分的进一步表征,包括胰岛素产生的ROS机理以及在胰岛素敏感细胞中鉴定各种氧化敏感信号转导靶标,可提供促进胰岛素抵抗状态下胰岛素作用的新手段。



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