首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife >Molecular identification of Sarcocystis halieti n. sp. Sarcocystis lari and Sarcocystis truncata in the intestine of a white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Norway

Molecular identification of Sarcocystis halieti n. sp. Sarcocystis lari and Sarcocystis truncata in the intestine of a white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Norway

机译:盐藻藻的分子鉴定。在挪威的一只白尾海雕(Haliaeetus albicilla)的肠中发现了Sarcocystis lari和Sarcocystis truncata



An emaciated white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) from Western Norway was found and nursed briefly before it died. The necropsy revealed that the principal cause of death was an inflammation and occlusion of the bile ducts. A secondary finding was the presence in the intestinal mucosa of numerous sporulated Sarcocystis oocysts measuring 21.8–22.8 × 16.0–17.0 μm. The aim of this study was to identify these oocysts to species level using molecular methods. Genomic DNA was extracted from 10 mucosal scrapings containing oocysts and subjected to PCR amplification and sequencing of four DNA regions: the 18S and 28S rRNA genes, the ITS1 region and the cox1 gene. DNA of three previously known Sarcocystis spp. was identified, but only two of these, Sarcocystis halieti n. sp. and Sarcocystis lari, both employing sea birds as intermediate hosts, were considered to have used the sea eagle as a definitive host and to have formed oocysts in its intestine. The third species found, Sarcocystis truncata, employs red deer as intermediate hosts and seems to use felids as definitive hosts based on its phylogenetic position and prevalence. The sea eagle had probably recently ingested portions of one of the latter hosts (red deer or cat/lynx) containing stages (sarcocysts/oocysts) and thus DNA of S. truncata. The species S. halieti and S. lari could only be unambiguously separated from their most closely related congeners on the basis of their ITS1 sequences. This is the first report of Sarcocystis oocysts in sea eagles and the first identification to species level of Sarcocystis oocysts in any type of eagle. The sea eagle also acted as intermediate host of an unidentified Sarcocystis spp. as evidenced by the finding of six thin-walled sarcocysts in a histological section of cardiac muscle.
机译:在挪威西部发现了一只瘦弱的白尾海雕(Haliaeetus albicilla),并在其死亡之前进行了短暂的护理。尸检显示,死亡的主要原因是胆管发炎和闭塞。第二个发现是在肠道粘膜中存在许多大小为21.8–22.8×16.0–17.0μm的孢子状藻类卵囊。这项研究的目的是使用分子方法在物种水平上鉴定这些卵囊。从10个含有卵囊的粘膜碎片中提取基因组DNA,并对其进行PCR扩增和四个DNA区域测序:18S和28S rRNA基因,ITS1区域和cox1基因。三个先前已知的肉囊藻属的DNA。被鉴定出,但其中只有两个,即Sarcocystis halieti n。 sp。均以海鸟为中间宿主的Sarcocystis lari和Sarcocystis lari被认为以海鹰为最终宿主,并在其肠道中形成了卵囊。发现的第三个物种特氏巨囊藻(Sarcocystis truncata)以马鹿为中间宿主,并根据其系统发生的位置和流行程度似乎以猫科动物为最终宿主。海鹰最近可能摄入了其中一个宿主(马鹿或猫/山猫)中含有阶段(卵囊/卵囊)的部分,因此摄入了特兰卡塔克酵母的DNA。根据其ITS1序列,只能将S. halieti和S. lari物种与其最密切相关的同类物明确区分开。这是海鹰中的石藻卵囊的首次报道,也是任何类型的鹰中肉囊藻卵囊物种水平的首次鉴定。海鹰还充当了身份不明的Sarcocystis spp的中间宿主。正如在心肌组织学切片中发现的六个薄壁囊肿所证明的那样。



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