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Comparison of Distal Hypospadias Repair in Circumcised Patients and Uncircumcised Patients




Hypospadias is the most common anomaly in the male genital tract with an incidence of 0.8–8.2 per 1000 live male births. Routinely, hypospadias cases are repaired after one year of age, and it is recommended that a child with hypospadias not to be circumcised until hypospadias repair is completed. This study was conducted to determine whether or not circumcision prior to hypospadias repair increases the risk of complications. 30 circumcised patients and 30 persons without a history of circumcision and hypospadias were enrolled in this study and underwent surgery for hypospadias repair. The results of surgery compared between two groups. In the uncircumcised group, the mean durations of surgery and hospitalization were 55.61 ± 58.11 min and 3.17 ± 1.79 days. In circumcised group, the mean duration of surgery and hospitalization were 66.17 ± 33.65 minutes and 3.7 ± 1.62 days. There was no significant difference between these criteria and other complications of the two groups. This study shows that postoperative complications in circumcised distal hypospadias patients do not increase. Cosmetic and functional results were excellent. If there are failures in therapy and in case of postoperative complications, it is better to notice other factors such as infection.
机译:下丘疹是男性生殖道中最常见的异常,每1000例活产男婴中发生率0.8-8.2。通常,尿道下裂的病例在一岁后就可以修复,建议患有尿道下裂的儿童在尿道下裂修复完成之前不要行割礼。进行这项研究是为了确定尿道下裂修复前的包皮环切术是否增加了并发症的风险。这项研究招募了30例行包皮环切术的患者和30例没有包皮环切和尿道下裂的患者,并进行了手术治疗尿道下裂。两组手术结果比较。未割包皮手术组的平均手术时间和住院时间为55.61±58.11 min和3.17±1.79天。包皮环切术组的平均手术时间和住院时间为66.17±33.65分钟和3.7±1.62天。这些标准与两组其他并发症之间无显着差异。这项研究表明,割包皮的远端尿道下裂患者的术后并发症没有增加。外观和功能效果极佳。如果治疗失败并且出现术后并发症,最好注意其他因素,例如感染。



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