首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Bacteriology >Phylogeny of 54 representative strains of species in the family Pasteurellaceae as determined by comparison of 16S rRNA sequences.

Phylogeny of 54 representative strains of species in the family Pasteurellaceae as determined by comparison of 16S rRNA sequences.

机译:通过比较16S rRNA序列确定巴氏杆菌科54种代表性菌株的系统发生。



Virtually complete 16S rRNA sequences were determined for 54 representative strains of species in the family Pasteurellaceae. Of these strains, 15 were Pasteurella, 16 were Actinobacillus, and 23 were Haemophilus. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on sequence similarity, using the Neighbor-Joining method. Fifty-three of the strains fell within four large clusters. The first cluster included the type strains of Haemophilus influenzae, H. aegyptius, H. aphrophilus, H. haemolyticus, H. paraphrophilus, H. segnis, and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. This cluster also contained A. actinomycetemcomitans FDC Y4, ATCC 29522, ATCC 29523, and ATCC 29524 and H. aphrophilus NCTC 7901. The second cluster included the type strains of A. seminis and Pasteurella aerogenes and H. somnus OVCG 43826. The third cluster was composed of the type strains of Pasteurella multocida, P. anatis, P. avium, P. canis, P. dagmatis, P. gallinarum, P. langaa, P. stomatis, P. volantium, H. haemoglobinophilus, H. parasuis, H. paracuniculus, H. paragallinarum, and A. capsulatus. This cluster also contained Pasteurella species A CCUG 18782, Pasteurella species B CCUG 19974, Haemophilus taxon C CAPM 5111, H. parasuis type 5 Nagasaki, P. volantium (H. parainfluenzae) NCTC 4101, and P. trehalosi NCTC 10624. The fourth cluster included the type strains of Actinobacillus lignieresii, A. equuli, A. pleuropneumoniae, A. suis, A. ureae, H. parahaemolyticus, H. parainfluenzae, H. paraphrohaemolyticus, H. ducreyi, and P. haemolytica. This cluster also contained Actinobacillus species strain CCUG 19799 (Bisgaard taxon 11), A. suis ATCC 15557, H. ducreyi ATCC 27722 and HD 35000, Haemophilus minor group strain 202, and H. parainfluenzae ATCC 29242. The type strain of P. pneumotropica branched alone to form a fifth group. The branching of the Pasteurellaceae family tree was quite complex. The four major clusters contained multiple subclusters. The clusters contained both rapidly and slowly evolving strains (indicated by differing numbers of base changes incorporated into the 16S rRNA sequence relative to outgroup organisms). While the results presented a clear picture of the phylogenetic relationships, the complexity of the branching will make division of the family into genera a difficult and somewhat subjective task. We do not suggest any taxonomic changes at this time.
机译:确定了巴斯德氏菌科中54个代表性菌种的几乎完整的16S rRNA序列。在这些菌株中,巴斯德氏菌为15株,放线杆菌为16株,嗜血杆菌为23株。使用Neighbor-Joining方法,基于序列相似性构建了系统树。 53个菌株属于四个大簇。第一个簇包括流感嗜血杆菌,埃及嗜血杆菌,嗜血嗜血杆菌,溶血嗜血杆菌,副嗜血嗜血杆菌,segnis和放线放线杆菌的类型菌株。该簇还包含放线放线杆菌FDC Y4,ATCC 29522,ATCC 29523和ATCC 29524和嗜盐链球菌NCTC7901。第二个簇包括半精曲霉和产气巴斯德氏菌和Somnus OVCG 43826型菌株。第三簇由多杀性巴斯德氏菌,阿纳斯毕赤酵母,鸟舍毕赤酵母,犬毕加索氏菌,达格马蒂斯氏菌,鸡毕赤氏酵母,兰格纳菌,气孔毕赤酵母,沃氏菌,嗜血血红蛋白嗜血杆菌,副猪嗜血杆菌, H. paracuniculus,H。paragallinarum和A.荚膜。该集群还包含巴斯德氏菌种A CCUG 18782,巴斯德氏菌种B CCUG 19974,嗜血杆菌类群C CAPM 5111,长崎副猪嗜血杆菌5型,副产幽门螺旋杆菌(H. parainfluenzae)NCTC 4101和海藻毕赤酵母(P. trehalosi)NCTC 10624。包括木系放线菌,马科曲霉,胸膜肺炎链球菌,猪链球菌,脲曲霉,副溶血性嗜血杆菌,副流感嗜血杆菌,副溶血性嗜血杆菌,杜克雷伊嗜血杆菌和溶血性毕赤酵母的类型菌株。该簇还包含放线菌种菌株CCUG 19799(比斯加德分类群11),猪链球菌ATCC 15557,杜克氏杆菌ATCC 27722和HD 35000,次小嗜血杆菌菌株202和副流感嗜血杆菌ATCC 29242。单独分支形成第五组。巴斯德氏菌科树的分支非常复杂。四个主要集群包含多个子集群。这些簇既包含快速进化的菌株,也包含缓慢进化的菌株(相对于外群生物,通过掺入16S rRNA序列的碱基改变数量不同而表明)。虽然结果清楚地显示了系统发育关系,但分支的复杂性将使该科分为属是一项困难且有点主观的任务。我们目前不建议任何分类更改。



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