首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Bacteriology >Mating Pheromones of Saccharomyces kluyveri: Pheromone Interactions Between Saccharomyces kluyveri and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Mating Pheromones of Saccharomyces kluyveri: Pheromone Interactions Between Saccharomyces kluyveri and Saccharomyces cerevisiae




Saccharomyces kluyveri is a heterothallic yeast with two allelic mating types denoted as >a-k and α->k by analogy with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and from the work described here. S. kluyveri produces mating pheromones analogous to those of S. cerevisiae, but which appear to have different specificity. S. kluyveri thus differs from S. cerevisiae, Hansenula wingei, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe in that it exhibits both strong constitutive agglutination and mating pheromones. α->k cells produce a pheromone (“α->k-factor”) which causes >a-k cells to arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and to undergo a morphological change. After a period of time dependent on the concentration of α->k-factor, cells exposed to the factor resume cell division. α->k-factor has no effect on >a-k/α->k diploids or on α->k cells, but at high concentration does induce G1 arrest of S. cerevisiae>a cells (>a-c). >a-k cells produce a pheromone (“>a-k-factor”) which causes α->k cells to exhibit a morphological change. In addition, >a-k cells exhibit the Bar phenotype with respect to α->k-factor. Partially purified preparations of S. cerevisiae α-factor are more active in inducing G1 arrest of >a-k cells than of >a-c cells. A more purified preparation of α-c-factor is less active against >a-k cells than >a-c cells, suggesting that an additional factor (KRE, kluyveri response enhancer) may be lost during purification. Attempts to mate S. kluyveri and S. cerevisiae cells by prototroph selection and by cell-to-cell mating have been unsuccessful with all combinations of mating types. Thus, S. cerevisiae and S. kluyveri are incompatible for mating even though their pheromones exhibit some physiological cross-reaction.
机译:克鲁维酵母是一种杂藻酵母,具有两个等位基因交配类型,分别与酿酒酵母相似,并来自此处描述的工作,分别称为> a-k 和α-> k 。克鲁维链球菌产生类似于酿酒酵母的交配信息素,但似乎具有不同的特异性。因此,克鲁维酵母不同于酿酒酵母,翼形汉逊酵母和粟酒裂殖酵母,因为它既显示强本构性凝集又显示交配信息素。 α-> k 细胞产生信息素(“α-> k -因子”),该信息素导致> ak 细胞停滞在其G1期循环并经历形态变化。经过一段时间取决于α-> k 因子的浓度后,暴露于该因子的细胞会恢复细胞分裂。 α-> k 因子对> ak /α-> k 二倍体或α-> k 细胞没有影响,但在高浓度下确实会诱导酿酒酵母> a 细胞(> a -c)的G1阻滞。 > a-k 细胞产生信息素(“ > a-k -因子”),该信息素导致α-> k 细胞呈现形态变化。另外,相对于α-> k 因子,> a-k 细胞表现出Bar表型。与> a -c细胞相比,部分纯化的酿酒酵母α-因子制剂在诱导> a-k 细胞的G1阻滞中更具活性。相对于> a -c细胞,更纯净的α-c因子制剂对> ak 细胞的活性较低,这表明可能还有其他因子(KRE,kluyveri反应增强剂)在纯化过程中丢失。在所有交配类型的组合中,通过原生营养体选择和细胞间交配尝试使克鲁维酵母和酿酒酵母细胞交配均未成功。因此,即使酿酒酵母和克鲁维酵母的信息素表现出某些生理交叉反应,它们也不适合交配。



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