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Brucellosis risk factors and milk hygiene handling practices in pastoral communities in Isiolo county Kenya




The study was conducted from June to August 2014 in Isiolo Central division of Isiolo Sub‐County and Sericho division of Garbatulla Sub‐County and comprised two components: (i) a cross‐sectional study on the milk‐handling hygiene practices, where milk traders’ households were the study units and (ii) a case‐control study on the risk factors for Brucella spp. infection in humans. Results of the cross‐sectional study showed that 26.74% of the respondents never washed their hands before milking, 60.47% never washed the udder before milking and 54.65% never withhold consumption of milk from animals under treatment with antibiotics. The case–control study included household units with previous cases of brucellosis (53.33%) and those without (46.67%) over the previous 5 years and identified drinking of raw milk as the main risk factor for infection (OR = 26.44; 95% CI: 8.04–86.99). Pastoralists’ unhygienic handling of milk from production to market is suboptimal and this is due to poor knowledge on hygienic practices, poor knowledge on the risks associated with poor milk hygiene and lack of sufficient and potable water for cleaning of milk containers. Many pastoralists still consume milk raw and this is a major public health risk for milk‐borne diseases.
机译:该研究是从6月到2014年伊奥利奥县县Isiolo中央部门和Garbatulla次县塞米岛司的伊斯奥洛·院校进行的,包括两项组成部分:(i)对牛奶交易员的牛奶处理卫生实践的横断面研究'家庭是研究单位和(ii)对布鲁氏菌SPP的危险因素进行病例对照研究。人类感染。横截面研究的结果表明,26.74%的受访者从未在挤奶前洗过手,60.47%从未在挤奶前洗过乳房,54.65%从未用抗生素治疗的动物消耗牛奶。案例对照研究包括与之前的布鲁克病症(53.33%)和未经前5年的患者(46.67%)的家庭单位,并确定了原料牛奶作为感染的主要危险因素(或= 26.44; 95%CI) :8.04-86.99)。牧人主义者从生产到市场的牛奶的不卫生处理是次优,这是由于对卫生实践的知识差,对与牛奶卫生不良和缺乏足够的饮用水有关的风险知识,用于清洁牛奶容器的缺乏知识。许多牧民仍然消耗牛奶原料,这是牛奶疾病的主要公共卫生风险。



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