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Screening for Asymptomatic Coronary Artery Disease in People With Type2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Tertiary Care Center




Cardiovascular disease is the biggest driver of mortality in people with diabetes. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes share the same risk factors, the so-called “common soil” hypothesis. Asians and more specifically Indians are predisposed to cardiovascular disease, that too at an earlier age. The cost of management of cardiovascular disease in India is prohibitive. Thus, screening for asymptomatic coronary artery disease in people with type 2 diabetes and referring them for further evaluation will go a long way in preventing cardiovascular mortality. 560 consenting previously diagnosed people with type 2 diabetes, undergoing treatment for type 2 diabetes at our center, were recruited in the study. We used the risk score model for the assessment of coronary artery disease in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes (1) because it was easy to use, specific for Asian population and validated with coronary computed tomographic angiography in asymptomatic people with type 2 diabetes. Questions regarding smoking, past history of stroke and duration of diabetes were recorded as per the risk score and accordingly the subjects were labelled low, intermediate and high risk. Anthropometric measurements were recorded, lipid profile was measured, neuropathy assessment was done using the DNS score. Results: 48.9%subjects were females,51.1% were males, mean duration of diabetes was 3.5 years, mean HbA1c was 8.5%, mean BMI 26.5kg/m2, mean age was 51.4 years, mean CAD score was 4.1 44.2% of the subjects were in a low risk category, 44.9% were in the intermediate risk category and 10.9% in the high-risk category. The maximum people had intermediate to high risk and were in the age group of 50–60 years (21.3%), followed by 13% in the 60–70 age group. Surprisingly, 12.6% people in the 40-50year age group had an intermediate to high risk score for ASCVD. The high prevalence of intermediate to high risk in relatively younger populations with shorter duration of diabetes (mean duration of diabetes 3.5 years) mandates universal screening for asymptomatic coronary artery disease in all people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Our study highlights the importance of identifying asymptomatic coronary artery disease using locally relevant risk models and their timely referral to prevent excessive cardiovascular mortality in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This would ensure optimum utilization and prioritization of scarce resources in resource crunch situations. Keywords: Screening, asymptomatic CAD, type 2 diabetes mellitus. References: 1. Park G-M, An H, Lee S-W, Cho Y-R, Gil EH, Her SH, et al. Risk Score Model for the Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease in Asymptomatic Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Medicine [Internet]. 2015 Jan [cited 2020 Oct 14];94(4):e508. Available from: https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/Fulltext/2015/01040/Risk_Score_Model_for_the_Assessment_of_Coronary.44.aspx
机译:心血管疾病是糖尿病人类死亡率最大的司机。心血管疾病和糖尿病患有相同的危险因素,所谓的“常见土壤”假设。亚洲人和更具体地说是印度人倾向于心血管疾病,这也是较早的年龄。印度心血管疾病的管理成本令人望而却步。因此,筛选患有2型糖尿病的人的无症状冠状动脉疾病,并将其提及进一步评估将在预防心血管死亡率方面进行很长的路要走。 560在研究中招募了560人同意患有2型糖尿病的人,在我们中心进行2型糖尿病治疗。我们利用风险评分模型进行评估,以评估患有2型糖尿病(1)的无症状患者(1),因为它易于使用,具体针对亚洲人群,并用患有2型糖尿病的无症状的人群中的冠状动物计算机断层血管造影。根据风险评分记录有关吸烟,过去历史和糖尿病持续时间的问题,因此受试者被标记为低,中间和高风险。记录了人体测量测量,测量了脂质分析,使用DNS分数进行神经病变评估。结果:48.9%受试者是女性,51.1%是男性,平均糖尿病持续时间为3.5岁,平均HBA1c为8.5%,平均BMI 26.5kg / m2,平均年龄为51.4岁,平均CAD评分为4.144.2%的受试者处于低风险类别,44.9%处于中级风险类别和高风险类别中的10.9%。最大的人患有高风险,并在50-60岁的时候(21.3%),在60-70岁年龄组中进行了13%。令人惊讶的是,40-50年代年龄集团的12.6%的人对ASCVD的高风险分数进行了中间体。具有较短患有糖尿病持续时间(3.5岁的平均糖尿病持续时间)的患者中间对高风险的高患病率促使所有患有2型糖尿病的人类无症状冠状动脉疾病的通用筛查。我们的研究突出了使用当地相关风险模型来鉴定无症状冠状动脉疾病的重要性及其及时转诊,以防止2型糖尿病的人们过度的心血管死亡率。这将确保资源紧缩情况下的稀缺资源的最佳利用和优先级。关键词:筛选,无症状CAD,2型糖尿病。参考文献:1。公园G-M,AN H,Lee S-W,Cho Y-R,Gil Eh,Her Sh等。 2型糖尿病患者冠状动脉疾病评估风险分数模型。医学[互联网]。 2015年1月[引用2020年10月14]; 94(4):E508。可从:https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/fulltext/2015/01040/risk_score_model_for_the_assessment_of_coronary.44.aspx



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