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Premilling treatments effects on nutritional composition antinutritional factors and in vitro mineral bioavailability of the improved Assosa I sorghum variety (Sorghum bicolor L.)

机译:初清治疗对营养成分抗逆时间因素和改进的Assosa I高粱品种(高粱双子石L.)的营养成分和体外矿物生物有效性的影响



Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is among the staple cereal crops in different parts of Ethiopia. However, the presence of antinutritional factors restricts the digestion of proteins and bioavailability different minerals. Therefore, this study investigates the premilling treatments effects on nutritional composition, antinutritional factors, and in vitro mineral bioavailability of the improved Assosa I sorghum variety grown in Benishangul‐Gumuz Region, Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with single factor of premilling treatments (control, washing, soaking, and malting). Among evaluated premilling treatments, malting showed significant (p < .05) increase in terms of crude fiber, utilizable carbohydrate, gross energy, and sodium contents. As compared to the raw sorghum, premilling treatments reduced antinutritional contents from 55.81 to 27.4 mg/100 g for tannin, 156.15 to 70.50 mg/100 g for phytates, and 29.9 to 3.22 mg/100 g for oxalate. The premilling techniques also significantly (p < .05) improved in vitro mineral bioavailability as compared to unprocessed sorghum grains. Among the premilling treatments, malting showed significant difference (p < .05) in terms of reduction of tannins, phytates, and oxalate contents with relatively higher mineral bioavailability. In order to enhance the food and nutritional value of sorghum particularly for children and lactating mothers, it is recommended to germinated the grains. Flour from germinated grain also can be used in combination with other nutrient‐dense foods to formulate healthy diets for children and maternal nutrition.
机译:高粱(Sorghum Bicolor L.)是埃塞俄比亚不同地区的主食谷物作物之一。然而,抗抑制因素的存在限制了蛋白质和生物利用度不同矿物质的消化。因此,本研究调查了初始治疗对埃塞俄比亚本岛古乌兹地区生长的改进的ASSOSA I高粱品种的营养成分,抗抑制因子和体外矿物生物利用性的影响。该实验是在完全随机化的设计中进行的,单一因素进行初始处理(对照,洗涤,浸泡和搅拌)。在评估的清前治疗中,麦芽化显示出粗纤维,可利用的碳水化合物,总能量和钠含量的显着(P <.05)。与原料高粱相比,初级治疗将抗抑制内容从55.81〜27.4mg / 100g减少到单宁,156.15至70.50mg / 100g的植物,29.9至3.22mg / 100g用于草酸盐。与未加工的高粱谷物相比,初级技术也显着(p <.05)改善了体外矿物生物利用度。在初始处理中,在减少单宁,植物和草酸盐的矿物生物利用度降低的方面,麦芽均显示出显着差异(p <.05)。为了提高高粱的食物和营养价值,特别是对于儿童和哺乳期母亲,建议萌发谷物。来自发芽谷物的面粉也可与其他营养密集的食物组合使用,以制定儿童和母体营养的健康饮食。



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