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328 Awardee Talk: The importance of genetic improvement to the sustainability of animal agriculture




It is hard to overstate the important impact that food animal breeding programs have had on decreasing the environmental footprint of animal protein production. Genetic improvement, combined with improved nutritional and animal health programs, have resulted in a significant decrease in the current environmental footprint per unit of animal protein production, as compared to 50 years ago. Accelerated rates of genetic change have been enabled by the adoption of technologies such as artificial insemination and genomic selection. To address projected future animal protein demands using less inputs, animal breeders will need to continue to introduce new breeding methods into food animal breeding programs to further improve the rate of genetic change. Genome editing represents one such technique, offering an approach to precisely knock out undesirable traits, and rapidly introgress useful genetic variants in the absence of linkage drag. Although there is great potential for this technology, it comes following a fractious 30-year debate regarding the use of genetic engineering in food production systems. Additionally, FDA’s proposed regulatory approach to treat all “intentional genome alterations” introduced by genome-editing as new animal drugs, makes it unlikely public sector food animal researchers will be able to afford even basic research and development using genome editing reagents. There is a pressing need for animal geneticists to speak out about the opportunity costs of forestalling safe innovation in animal breeding programs. However, this mandate comes at a time when consumers are questioning the need, or desirability, of applying modern molecular technologies to agricultural production systems. This poses a vexing problem to animal geneticists – is the customer always right?, or are there compelling global food security and environmental reasons to advocate for the use of modern molecular techniques to enable the next inflection point in the rate of genetic improvement in food animal breeding programs.
机译:难以夸大食物动物养殖计划对降低动物蛋白质生产的环境足迹的重要影响。与改善的营养和动物健康计划相结合的遗传改进导致每单位动物蛋白质生产的环境足迹显着下降,与50年前相比。通过采用人工授精和基因组选择的技术实现了加速遗传变化率。为了解决预计未来的动物蛋白质需求,使用较少的投入,动物饲养员需要继续将新的育种方法引入食品动物育种计划中,以进一步提高遗传变化的速度。基因组编辑代表一种这样的技术,提供一种方法来精确地敲出不希望的性状,并且在没有连杆阻力的情况下迅速突出有用的遗传变异。虽然这项技术有很大的潜力,但它遵循了在食品生产系统中使用基因工程的巨大争论。此外,FDA提出了治疗基因组编辑作为新动物药物引入的所有“故意基因组改变”的监管方法,使公共部门食品动物研究人员将能够使用基因组编辑试剂负担得起甚至基本的研发。动物遗传学家有一种压迫需要谈论动物育种计划中防止防止安全创新的机会成本。然而,这种授权是在消费者质疑将现代分子技术应用于农业生产系统的需求或可取性的时候。这对动物遗传学家构成了烦恼的问题 - 顾客始终是正确的?,或者是否有引人注目的全球粮食安全和环境原因,以倡导使用现代分子技术,以使食物动物的遗传改善速度下的下一个拐点能够实现下一个拐点育种计划。



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