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A symmoriiform from the Late Devonian of Morocco demonstrates a derived jaw function in ancient chondrichthyans




PIMUZ A/I 4806, early/ middle Famennian, Madene el Mrakib. a Photo and b line drawing of the specimen. c Head region including parts of the rostrum, sclerotic ring, mandibular arch, hyoid arch, branchial skeleton and shoulder girdle in ventral view. d Soft tissue remains, including liver and spiral valves. e Pelvic and caudal region. Scale bars, 100 mm (a, b), and 30 mm (c–e). chy, ceratohyal; cop, copula; cbr, ceratobranchials; fs, fin spine; liv, liver; mc, Meckel’s cartilage; p.pl, pelvic plate; pq, palatoquadrate; ros, rostrum; scl.r, sclerotic ring; scor, scapulocoracoid; stc?, stomach content; spv, spiral valves.
机译:PIMUZ A / I 4806,早期/中间家园,玛琳·埃拉克。标本的照片和B线图。 C头部地区包括脊柱,硬化环,下颌拱,腹腔拱,鳃骨架和肩部腰带的部分。 D软组织仍然存在,包括肝脏和螺旋阀。 E盆腔和尾部。秤条,100 mm(a,b)和30 mm(c-e)。 chy,ceratoyal; COP,COPULA; CBR,Ceratobranchials; FS,鳍脊柱; LIV,肝脏; MC,Meckel的软骨; P.PL,骨盆板; PQ,Palatoquadrate;罗斯,讲台; scl.r,sclerotic ring; Scor,Scapulocoracoid; STC?,胃含量; SPV,螺旋阀。



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