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Dr. Ian Thomas Jackson (1934–2020): A Messiah of the Deformed

机译:Ian Thomas Jackson博士(1934-2020):变形的弥赛亚



Ian Thomas Jackson was born and bred in Scotland and eventually settled in the United States. He rose to dizzying heights in his career due to his role in shaping the specialty of craniofacial surgery, not only in the United States but in the rest of the world. Jackson was first missed in Scotland, which lost this talented surgeon to America very early in his career; now this is everyone's loss, as we will all miss him forever. He was a skilled surgeon, great friend, and wonderful human being who touched the lives of innumerable patients with difficult deformities around the world. He never let any constraints affect his philanthropy and ushered a boy in Peru who had been abandoned by his parents through 80 operations, with a later adoption into the Jackson family, which is remarkable and unmatched by anyone even today. Jackson left indelible marks on the history and development of plastic surgery around the world and especially India, where he was introduced by Prof. Ramesh Chandra of Lucknow. The trailblazing and successful craniofacial surgeries conducted by Dr. Jackson in North India in the 1980s eventually opened the doors to the intriguing world of craniofacial surgery for the Indian plastic surgeon diaspora. He is in true sense a “messiah” of the deformed.
机译:伊恩托马斯杰克逊出生并在苏格兰举行,最终在美国安顿下来。由于他在塑造了颅面外科的特色,而且在世界其他地方,他在职业生涯中升起了他的职业生涯中的职业生涯。杰克逊首次错过了苏格兰,这在他的职业生涯中很早就失去了美国的才华横溢的外科医生;现在这是每个人的损失,因为我们都将永远想念他。他是一位熟练的外科医生,伟大的朋友,很棒的人,触及全世界难以畸形的无数患者的生活。他从不让任何限制影响他的慈善事业,并迎来了一个秘鲁的一个男孩,他通过80个行动被他的父母放弃,后来通过了杰克逊家族,这甚至今天都是非凡的。杰克逊留下了世界各地的整体手术的历史和发展的不可磨灭的标志,特别是印度,他是由勒什瑙的瑞历·克兰德教授介绍的。 20世纪80年代北印度北印度杰克逊博士进行的散步和成功的颅面外科手术最终将门打开了印度整形外科医生侨民的颅面外科的兴趣世界。他真的感觉到了变形的“弥赛亚”。



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