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Role of Clinical-Demographic Data in Survival Rates of Advanced Laryngeal Cancer




Background and Objectives: Laryngeal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the upper aerodigestive tract, and tobacco and alcohol habits are the most relevant risk factors. The role of these risk factors in the incidence of laryngeal carcinomas is well known, yet only a few studies have been conducted on their role as risk factors of prognosis. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of clinical–demographic data on overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and disease-specific survival (DSS) in patients with advanced-stage laryngeal cancer (Stage III–IV) who underwent total laryngectomy. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was carried out on patients with Stage III–IV laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with total laryngectomy between 2004 and 2014. For each patient, clinical and anamnestic data were collected and collated in a database, including alcohol and smoking habits. Results: Considering the variable age, family history, alcohol, grading, subsite, stage, pT stage, pN stage, and adjuvant therapy, no statistical significance was found for five-year OS. Smoking was the only variable that was statistically significant (p = 0.0043). A relevant difference was noted in the five-year DFS between pN-negative and pN-positive tumors (74.3% vs. 55.26%, respectively; p = 0.056), and a statistically significant difference was found between non- and ≤20 cigarettes/day smokers and heavy smokers (77.78% vs. 53.66%, respectively; p = 0.021). The five-year disease-specific survival rate was 68.83%, and a significant difference was detected for the smoking and pN stage variables. Heavy smokers (43.90% died vs. 16.67% of the non- and ≤20 cigarettes/day smokers; p = 0.0057) and pN-positive (42.1% died vs. 20.51% of the pN-negative patients; p = 0.042) patients had a worse prognosis. Conclusion: Smoking in our study was found to be an important independent risk factor for worse OS and DSS in patients with advanced laryngeal cancer.
机译:背景和目标:喉癌是上部空气显性道中最常见的癌症之一,烟草和酒精习惯是最相关的风险因素。这些危险因素在喉癌癌发生率的作用是众所周知的,但仅对其作为预后的危险因素的作用进行了一些研究。该研究的目的是评估临床人口统计数据对晚期喉癌患者的整体存活(OS),无病生存(DFS)和疾病特异性生存(DSS)的影响(第三阶段 - IV)曾经喉部切除术。材料和方法:在2004年至2014年间,对患有总喉切除术治疗的阶段III-IV喉鳞状细胞癌患者进行了该回顾性研究。对于每位患者,在数据库中收集并在包括酒精和吸烟的数据库中收集并整理临床和anamnestic数据习惯。结果:考虑到可变年龄,家族史,酒精,分级,底座,阶段,Pt阶段,PN阶段和佐剂治疗,未发现五年OS的统计显着性。吸烟是唯一有统计学意义的变量(P = 0.0043)。在PN阴性和PN阳性肿瘤之间的五年DF中注意到了相关差异(分别为55.26%; P = 0.056),在非≤20支卷烟之间发现统计学上显着差异/日吸烟者和重型吸烟者(77.78%,分别为53.66%; P = 0.021)。五年的疾病特异性存活率为68.83%,对吸烟和PN阶段变量检测到显着差异。重病吸烟者(43.90%死于15.67%的非和≤20支香烟/日吸烟者; P = 0.0057)和PN阳性(42.1%死于PN阴性患者的20.51%; P = 0.042)患者预后更糟糕。结论:在我们的研究中吸烟是患有晚期喉癌患者更糟糕的OS和DSS的重要独立危险因素。



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