首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Primary Care Community Health >Save a Life: Implementation and Evaluation of a Community-Focused CPR Education Program in Houston Texas

Save a Life: Implementation and Evaluation of a Community-Focused CPR Education Program in Houston Texas




Over 350 000 people in the United States experience out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) annually—and almost 90% die as a result. However, survival varies widely between counties, ranging from 3.4% to 22.0%—a disparity that the American Heart Association (AHA) largely attributes to variation in rates of bystander CPR. Studies show that regions with low rates of bystander CPR have low rates of CPR training, making CPR training initiatives a high-priority intervention to reduce OHCA mortality. In Houston, Texas, researchers have identified census tracts with higher OCHA incidence and lower rates of bystander CPR. We developed a free, annual Hands-Only CPR bilingual health education program central to these high-risk neighborhoods. In 5 years, this collaborative effort trained over 2700 individuals. In 2016, 2017, and 2018, we conducted a process evaluation to assess fidelity, dose delivered, and dose received. We also conducted an outcome evaluation using the Kirkpatrick Model for Training Evaluation to assess participants’ reactions and learning. Overall, the program yielded positive outcomes. Of the 261 respondents (from 314 attendees), 63% were first-time learners. The majority (87%) were satisfied with the event and 85% felt that information was presented clearly and concisely. Pre- and post-knowledge assessments showed a 51% increase in the proportion of respondents who could correctly identify the steps for Hands-Only CPR. This program exemplifies how collaborative education can impact a community’s health status. Leveraging each partner’s resources and linkages with the community can enhance the reach and sustainability of health education initiatives.
机译:美国超过3.5万人在美国休息后的心脏骤停(OHCA),每年 - 近90%的死亡。然而,生存期在县之间存在广泛,范围从3.4%到22.0%-A差距,即美国心脏协会(AHA)很大程度上属于旁观者CPR率的变化。研究表明,旁观者CPR率低的地区具有低CPR培训率低,使CPR培训举措成为降低OHCA死亡率的高优先级干预。在德克萨斯州休斯顿,研究人员已经确定了人口普查,具有较高的Ocha发病率和较低的旁观者CPR率。我们开发了一个免费的每年只手的CPR双语健康教育计划,这些高风险社区。 5年来,这种合作措施超过2700人培训。在2016年,2017年和2018年,我们进行了评估,以评估富待保真度,递送剂量,并收到剂量。我们还使用Kirkpatrick模型进行了结果评估,以培训评估评估参与者的反应和学习。总的来说,该计划产生了积极的结果。在261名受访者(来自314名与会者)中,63%是首次学习者。大多数(87%)对事件满意,85%的人认为信​​息是清楚而简洁的。知识后和后期的评估表明,可以正确识别实践CPR的步骤的受访者比例增加了51%。该计划举例说明了协作教育如何影响社区的健康状况。利用每个合作伙伴的资源和与社区的联系可以提高健康教育倡议的可触及和可持续性。



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