
Biological Control of a Phytosanitary Pest (




Thaumatotibia leucotreta, known as the false codling moth, is a pest of citrus and other crops in sub-Saharan Africa. As it is endemic to this region and as South Africa exports most of its citrus around the world, T. leucotreta has phytosanitary status for most markets. This means that there is zero tolerance for any infestation with live larvae in the market. Consequently, control measures prior to exporting must be exemplary. Certain markets require a standalone postharvest disinfestation treatment for T. leucotreta. However, the European Union accepts a systems approach, consisting of three measures and numerous components within these measures. Although effective preharvest control measures are important under all circumstances, they are most critical where a standalone postharvest disinfestation treatment is not applied, such as within a systems approach. Conventional wisdom may lead a belief that effective chemical control tools are imperative to achieve this end. However, we demonstrate that it is possible to effectively control T. leucotreta to a level acceptable for a phytosanitary market, using only biological control tools. This includes parasitoids, predators, microbial control, semiochemicals, and sterile insects. Simultaneously, on-farm and environmental safety is improved and compliance with the increasing stringency of chemical residue requirements imposed by markets is achieved.
机译:Thaumatotibia Leucotreta,被称为错误的编码蛾,是撒哈拉以南非洲柑橘和其他作物的害虫。由于它对这个地区有特有,随着南非出口世界各地的大部分柑橘,leucotreeta对大多数市场的植物检疫状态具有植物检疫状态。这意味着在市场上与Live Larvae的任何侵扰有零容差。因此,出口前的控制措施必须是示例性的。某些市场需要独立的采后消除灭菌治疗T.Leucotreeta。然而,欧洲联盟接受了一个系统方法,包括三种措施和这些措施中的许多组成部分。虽然在所有情况下有效的预征收控制措施都很重要,但它们最关键的情况下,在没有应用独立的采后消化治疗,例如在系统方法中。传统智慧可能导致一种信念,即有效的化学控制工具必须达到此目的。然而,我们证明,只有使用生物控制工具,可以有效地控制植物检疫市场可接受的水平可接受的水平。这包括寄生虫,捕食者,微生物对照,半化学和无菌昆虫。同时,农场和环境安全得到改善,遵守市场施加的化学残留要求的越来越严格。



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