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Circular Economy on Construction and Demolition Waste: A Literature Review on Material Recovery and Production




Construction and demolition waste (CDW) accounts for at least 30% of the total solid waste produced around the world. At around 924 million tons in the European Union in 2016 and 2.36 billion tons in China in 2018, the amount is expected to increase over the next few years. Dumping these wastes in sanitary landfills has always been the traditional approach to waste management but this will not be feasible in the years to come. To significantly reduce or eliminate the amount of CDW being dumped, circular economy is a possible solution to the increasing amounts of CDW. Circular economy is an economic system based on business models which replaces the end-of-life concept with reducing, reusing, recycling, and recovering materials. This paper discusses circular economy (CE) frameworks—specifically material recovery and production highlighting the reuse and recycling of CDW and reprocessing into new construction applications. Likewise, a literature review into recent studies of reuse and recycling of CDW and its feasibility is also discussed to possibly prove the effectivity of CE in reducing CDW. Findings such as effectivity of recycling CDW into new construction applications and its limitations in effective usage are discussed and research gaps such as reuse of construction materials are also undertaken. CE and recycling were also found to be emerging topics. Observed trends in published articles as well as the use of latent Dirichlet allocation in creating topic models have shown a rising awareness and increasing research in CE which focuses on recycling and reusing CDW.
机译:建筑和拆迁废物(CDW)占全球各地固体废物的至少30%。 2016年欧洲联盟左右924万吨,2018年在中国230亿吨,预计未来几年将增加金额。在卫生垃圾填埋场倾销这些废物一直是浪费管理的传统方法,但这在未来几年中也不会是可行的。为了显着减少或消除倾倒的CDW量,循环经济是越来越多的CDW的解决方案。循环经济是一种基于商业模式的经济系统,取代了寿命结束的概念,减少,重用,回收和恢复材料。本文讨论了循环经济(CE)框架 - 特别是材料恢复和生产突出了CDW的重用和再循环和再加工到新的施工应用。同样地,还讨论了最近对CDW再利用和再循环的研究以及其可行性研究的文献综述,以便可能证明Ce在减少CDW中的有效性。讨论了诸如将CDW回收到新施工应用的有效性及其在有效使用中的限制的调查结果,并进行了研究差距,如建筑材料的再利用。也发现CE和回收是新兴主题。观察到发表的文章的趋势以及在创造主题模型中使用潜在的Dirichlet分配已经显示出CE的提高和提高研究,专注于回收和重用CDW。



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