首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection >Detection and Identification by Immune Electron Microscopy of Fastidious Agents Associated with Respiratory Illness Acute Nonbacterial Gastroenteritis and Hepatitis A

Detection and Identification by Immune Electron Microscopy of Fastidious Agents Associated with Respiratory Illness Acute Nonbacterial Gastroenteritis and Hepatitis A




This chapter discusses detection and identification by immune electron microscopy (IEM) of fastidious agents associated with respiratory illness, acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis, and hepatitis A. For Norwalk gastroenteritis and hepatitis A, the IEM technique enabled not only the definitive visualization and identification for the first time of virus-like particles from individuals with these diseases but also enabled researchers to demonstrate for the first time the serological association of an identifiable virus-like agent with each of these diseases. The chapter also explains that a mixture of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and anti-TMV rabbit serum resulted in aggregation of the virus particles, whereas by contrast, such aggregation did not occur when the virus reacted with a control normal rabbit serum. T. F. Anderson and W. M. Stanley demonstrated the electron-microscopic specificity of the reaction by observing the lack of such reactivity between TMV and rabbit antiserum to tomato bushy stunt virus; and between tomato bushy stunt virus and anti-TMV rabbit serum.
机译:本章讨论了通过免疫电子显微镜(IEM)对与呼吸系统疾病,急性非细菌性胃肠炎和甲型肝炎有关的精炼剂的检测和鉴定。对于诺沃克胃肠炎和甲型肝炎,IEM技术不仅可以对第一个进行明确的可视化和鉴定这些疾病的个体感染病毒样颗粒的时间,但也使研究人员首次证明了可识别的病毒样病原体与每种疾病的血清学相关性。本章还解释说,烟草花叶病毒(TMV)和抗TMV兔血清的混合物会导致病毒颗粒聚集,而相比之下,当病毒与对照正常兔血清反应时,不会发生这种聚集。 T. F. Anderson和W. M. Stanley通过观察TMV和兔抗血清对番茄浓密特技病毒缺乏这种反应性,证明了该反应的电子显微镜特异性。介于番茄浓密的特技病毒和抗TMV兔血清之间。



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