
Economic Burden of Road Traffic Injuries in Nepal




The evidence of the economic burden of road traffic injuries (RTIs) in Nepal is limited. The most recent study, conducted in 2008, is now considered outdated because there has been a rapid increase in vehicle numbers and extensive road building over the last decade. This study estimated the current economic costs of RTIs in Nepal, including the direct costs, productivity costs, and valuation of pain, grief, and suffering. An incidence-based cost-of-illness analysis was conducted from a societal perspective, employing a bottom-up approach using secondary data. All costs incurred by the patients, their family members, and costs to society were estimated, with sensitivity analyses to consider uncertainty around the data estimates available. Productivity loss was valued using the human capital approach. The total costs of RTIs in 2017 were estimated at USD 122.88 million. Of these, the costs of productivity loss were USD 91.57 million (74.52%) and the pain, grief, and suffering costs were USD 18.31 million (14.90%). The direct non-medical costs were USD 11.50 million (9.36%) whereas the direct medical costs were USD 1.50 million (1.22%). The economic costs of RTIs increased by threefold since 2007 and are equivalent to 1.52% of the gross national product, indicating the growing national financial burden associated with preventable RTIs.
机译:尼泊尔道路交通伤害(RTIs)造成的经济负担的证据有限。 2008年进行的最新研究被认为已经过时,因为过去十年来汽车数量迅速增长,道路建设广泛。这项研究估算了尼泊尔RTI的当前经济成本,包括直接成本,生产力成本以及对疼痛,悲伤和痛苦的评估。从社会的角度进行了基于发病率的疾病成本分析,采用了使用二手数据的自下而上的方法。估算患者,其家庭成员和社会所产生的所有费用,并进行敏感性分析以考虑可用数据估算的不确定性。使用人力资本方法对生产力损失进行了评估。 2017年RTI的总成本估计为1.2288亿美元。其中,生产力损失的成本为9157万美元(74.52%),痛苦,悲伤和痛苦的成本为1831万美元(14.90%)。直接非医疗费用为1,150万美元(9.36%),而直接医疗费用为150万美元(1.22%)。自2007年以来,RTIs的经济成本增加了三倍,相当于国民生产总值的1.52%,这表明与可预防的RTIs相关的国家财政负担日益增加。



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