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BMSCs-assisted injectable Col I hydrogel-regenerated cartilage defect by reconstructing superficial and calcified cartilage

机译:通过重建浅表和钙化软骨BMSCs辅助注射的Col I水凝胶可再生软骨缺损



The self-healing capacity of cartilage was limited due to absence of vascular, nervous and lymphatic systems. Although many clinical treatments have been used in cartilage defect repair and shown a promising repair result in short term, however, regeneration of complete zonal structure with physiological function, reconstruction cartilage homeostasis and maintaining long-term repair was still an unbridgeable chasm. Cartilage has complex zonal structure and multiple physiological functions, especially, superficial and calcified cartilage played an important role in keeping homeostasis. To address this hurdle of regenerating superficial and calcified cartilage, injectable tissue-induced type I collagen (Col I) hydrogel-encapsulated BMSCs was chosen to repair cartilage damage. After 1 month implantation, the results demonstrated that Col I gel was able to induce BMSCs differentiation into chondrocytes, and formed hyaline-like cartilage and the superficial layer with lubrication function. After 3 months post-surgery, chondrocytes at the bottom of the cartilage layer would undergo hypertrophy and promote the regeneration of calcified cartilage. Six months later, a continuous anatomical tidemark and complete calcified interface were restored. The regeneration of neo-hyaline cartilage was similar with adjacent normal tissue on the thickness of the cartilage, matrix secretion, collagen type and arrangement. Complete multilayer zonal structure with physiological function remodeling indicated that BMSCs-assisted injectable Col I hydrogel could reconstruct cartilage homeostasis and maintain long-term therapeutic effect.
机译:由于缺乏血管,神经和淋巴系统,软骨的自我修复能力受到限制。尽管许多临床治疗方法已用于软骨缺损的修复,并在短期内显示出令人满意的修复效果,但是,具有生理功能的完整带状结构的再生,重建软骨的稳态和维持长期修复仍是不可逾越的鸿沟。软骨具有复杂的带状结构和多种生理功能,尤其是浅表和钙化的软骨在保持体内平衡方面起着重要作用。为了解决再生浅表和钙化软骨的障碍,选择了可注射组织诱导的I型胶原(Col I)水凝胶封装的BMSC修复软骨损伤。植入1个月后,结果表明Col I凝胶能够诱导BMSCs分化为软骨细胞,并形成透明样软骨和具有润滑功能的表层。术后3个月后,软骨层底部的软骨细胞会肥大,并促进钙化软骨的再生。六个月后,恢复了连续的解剖学潮汐和完整的钙化界面。新透明软骨的再生在软骨厚度,基质分泌,胶原类型和排列方面与邻近的正常组织相似。具有生理功能重塑的完整多层带状结构表明,BMSCs辅助注射的Col I水凝胶可重建软骨稳态并保持长期治疗效果。



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