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Call for Papers—Journal of Epidemiology Reprints of Pioneering Papers Series: Spotlighting Little-Known Non-English Language Research Papers From Japan and Around the World




English has been and continues to be extensively used as a common language in much of the political discourse and argumentation that occurs worldwide, with the vast majority of scientific papers and academic conferences/meetings also using English. It follows, then, that academic papers written in other languages would surely be less well represented, having fewer opportunities to be read and evaluated globally. This may also link to various difficulties in the promotion of epidemiology and other scientific fields. In practice, an epidemiologist may consider publishing papers in English for several reasons: (1) The research deserves to be read by a global audience, as it is novel and has implications in other areas or has universally applicable findings and policy implications; (2) publishing papers in English is required to advance one’s career; or (3) the researcher is a native English speaker or someone who likes writing in English.
机译:在世界范围内发生的许多政治言论和辩论中,英语已经并将继续被广泛用作通用语言,绝大多数科学论文和学术会议/会议也都使用英语。随之而来的是,用其他语言编写的学术论文肯定会表现得不好,在全球范围内阅读和评估的机会也更少。这也可能与促进流行病学和其他科学领域的各种困难有关。在实践中,流行病学家可能出于以下几个原因而考虑用英语发表论文:(1)该研究值得全球读者阅读,因为它是新颖的,在其他领域具有影响或具有普遍适用的发现和政策影响; (2)必须以英文发表论文才能发展事业;或(3)研究人员是说英语的人或喜欢英语写作的人。



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