首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical and Translational Science >3168 Clinical and Translational Mentoring Team (CTMT): Effective Strategy for the Development of Students – undergraduate (US) and graduate (GS) – and Faculty (F) of Health Sciences Programs (HSPs) in Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) in Puerto Rico

3168 Clinical and Translational Mentoring Team (CTMT): Effective Strategy for the Development of Students – undergraduate (US) and graduate (GS) – and Faculty (F) of Health Sciences Programs (HSPs) in Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) in Puerto Rico




OBJECTIVES/SPECIFIC AIMS: The Title V Cooperative Project between the University of Puerto Rico- Medical Sciences Campus (UPR-MSC) and Universidad Central del Caribe (UCC) has trained US, GS and F (participants) of HSPs to engage them in CTR. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: First stage of the training sessions (TS) dealt with the theory of CTR. After TS and responding to their research interests, as answered in a questionnaire, the participants formed a CTMT, under the mentorship of a well-established CT researcher. This, as a prelude to their hands-on experiences in Intensive Development and Experiences in Advancement of Research and Increased Opportunities (IDEARIO), for which a research proposal is needed. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: Five (5) CTMTs were formed in different research areas – cardio, neuro, liver, renal, Zika–, as submitted in their research concept papers.Eight (8) CT researchers are currently mentoring 2 US, 7 GS and 6 F of HSPs through the CTMTs. They have submitted a research proposal, as a bridge between the theory in the TS and the practice in IDEARIO. Five (5) proposals were received and 2 of them approved, while the other 3 are in the evaluation process. We will present the composition, research topics, development of research and the feedback of participants in IDEARIO and CTMTs. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACT: The CTMTs and their respective proposals are effective strategies for the mentoring of US, GS and F in CTR.
机译:目标/具体目标:波多黎各大学医学科学园区(UPR-MSC)和加勒比中央大学(UCC)之间的V头合作项目已经培训了HSP的美国,GS和F(参与者)使其参与CTR 。方法/研究人群:培训课程(TS)的第一阶段涉及CTR理论。经过TS并回答了他们的研究兴趣后,如在调查表中回答的那样,参与者在一位经验丰富的CT研究人员的指导下成立了CTMT。这是他们需要进行研究计划的集约化开发经验以及研究和增加机会的经验(IDEARIO)的前奏。结果/预期结果:在他们的研究概念文件中提到,在不同的研究领域(心脏,神经,肝,肾,寨卡)形成了五(5)个CTMT。八(8)位CT研究人员目前正在指导2 US,7 GS和通过CTMT的HSP的6F。他们提交了一份研究建议,作为TS理论与IDEARIO实践之间的桥梁。收到了五(5)个提案,其中有2个已获批准,其他3个正在评估过程中。我们将介绍IDEARIO和CTMT的组成,研究主题,研究进展以及参与者的反馈。讨论/意义:CTMT及其各自的建议是指导CTR中的US,GS和F的有效策略。



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