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Histomorphometric and biochemical data of rat kidney submitted to warm ischemia associated with resveratrol treatment




The data presented here come from the article "Histomorphometric evaluation of the rat kidney submitted to warm ischemia and the protective effect of resveratrol" [1]. Rats of Wistar lineage (  = 39; 9 weeks of age) were obtained and apportioned into 4 groups at random. Both groups Sham (S) and Sham Resveratrol (SR) were submitted to open laparotomy and dissection of the left renal pedicle, the same as groups Ischemia (I) and Ischemia Resveratrol (IR), being the last two also submitted to 1 h left warm renal ischemia. SR and IR were treated with 30 mg/kg of resveratrol intraperitoneally 1 h before the surgical procedure, while S and I received saline injections. Rats were killed a month after surgery by anesthetic overdose. A blood sample was collected by cardiac puncture for determination of serum urea and creatinine serum by biochemical analysis at automated enzymatic method. Kidneys were weighted, Sherle´s method was used for measurement of their volume and then both were fixated in buffered formalin for 48 h. Cortex-non-cortex areas ratio (C—NC) was assessed by Cavalieri's method using a stereoscope. The product of multiplying the renal volume by the C—NC is the cortical volume (CV). Left kidneys fragments were processed for histology resulting in slides that were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. For histomorphometric analyses, 25 random cortical fields were photographed at 200x magnification using a camera attached to a light microscope. The estimation of glomerular volumetric density (Vv [Glom]), indication of proportional volume occupied by glomeruli in the cortex, was performed by the point-counting method. The point-sampled intercepts method was used to estimate the volume-weighted mean glomerular volume (VWGV). Total number of glomeruli per kidney (N [Glom]) estimation was achieved through the formula CVxVv [Glom]/VWGV. All the data were tabulated in spreadsheets. The quantitative results were compared by one-way ANOVA with Tukey's post-test using GraphPad Prism software. All results were considered significant when the value of <0.05.
机译:这里提供的数据来自文章“对大鼠肾脏进行热缺血和白藜芦醇的保护作用的组织形态学评价” [1]。获得Wistar谱系(= 39; 9周龄)的大鼠,并随机分为4组。 Sham(S)和Sham白藜芦醇(SR)两组均接受开腹剖腹术和左肾蒂解剖,与缺血(I)和缺血白藜芦醇(IR)组相同,最后两组也接受了左1小时的治疗温暖的肾脏缺血。 SR和IR在手术前1小时腹膜内用30μmg/ kg白藜芦醇治疗,而S和I则接受盐水注射。手术后一个月,麻醉剂过量杀死了大鼠。通过心脏穿刺收集血样,通过自动酶法生化分析测定血清尿素和肌酐水平。肾脏称重,使用Sherle方法测量肾脏的体积,然后将两者都固定在福尔马林缓冲液中48小时。使用立体镜通过Cavalieri的方法评估皮层与非皮层面积之比(C-NC)。肾体积乘以C-NC的乘积就是皮层体积(CV)。处理左肾碎片以进行组织学处理,得到用苏木精和曙红染色的载玻片。对于组织形态计量学分析,使用连接到光学显微镜的相机以200x放大倍率拍摄了25个随机的皮质区域。肾小球体积密度(Vv [Glom])的估计是通过点数法进行的,皮层中的肾小球占据了比例体积。使用点采样截距法估计体积加权平均肾小球体积(VWGV)。通过公式CVxVv [Glom] / VWGV,可以估算出每个肾脏的肾小球总数(N [Glom])。所有数据都在电子表格中制​​成表格。使用GraphPad Prism软件通过单向方差分析与Tukey的后测试比较定量结果。当值<0.05时,所有结果均视为显着。



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