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2506 Post-discharge opioid prescriptions and their association with healthcare utilization in the Vanderbilt Inpatient Cohort Study




OBJECTIVES/SPECIFIC AIMS: Opioid prescribing is common and increasing in certain areas of the country with known risk of misuse and dependence. Our study examined the association of opioid prescription at discharge after hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) with emergency department (ED) care or all-cause readmission, intended healthcare utilization (follow-up with physician within 30 d of discharge and cardiac rehab participation), and all-cause mortality. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: The Vanderbilt Inpatient Cohort Study is a prospective cohort of hospitalized patients age >18 enrolled with either ACS or ADHF between 2011 and 2015 (index hospitalization). We then excluded those who died during the index hospitalization, patients with hospitalization <24 hours, patients discharged to hospice care, or those who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery because of the high probability of receiving opioids. In addition, we limited the analyses to patients whom we had complete covariate data. The primary predictor variable was an opioid prescription at the time of hospital discharge. We collected healthcare utilization behavior for 90 days after discharge, and mortality data until March 8, 2017. Time-to-event analysis using Cox proportional hazard models was performed for both unintended healthcare utilization behavior and mortality outcomes. Logistic regression was performed for intended healthcare utilization (adherence to follow-up appointments and cardiac rehabilitation). All models were adjusted for demographic data, opioid use prior to index hospitalization, severity of illness, and healthcare utilization prior to the index hospitalization. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: There were 501 patients discharged with an opioid prescription and 1994 with no opioid prescription at discharge. Among patients with opioids at discharge 235 (47%) experienced unplanned healthcare events (71 ED visits and 164 readmissions) and among nonopioids patients 775 (39%) experienced unplanned healthcare events (254 ED visits and 521 readmissions) (aHR: 1.06, 95% CI: 0.87, 1.28). Patient mortality in the opioid group was 131 Versus 432 in the nonopioid group (aHR: 1.08, 95% CI 0.84, 1.39). Patients in the opioid at discharge group were less likely to attend follow up visits or participate in cardiac rehab (OR: 0.69, 95% CI 0.52, 0.91, p=0.009) compared with those not discharged on opioid medications. Sensitivity analysis of patients who were prescribed prehospital opioids (including prehospital opioids in the exposure group with postdischarge opioids) did not reveal a statistically significant increase in mortality (aHR: 1.09, 95% CI 0.91, 1.31) or unintended healthcare utilization (aHR: 1.12, 95% CI 0.89, 1.41) among opioid users. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACT: Morbidity and mortality related to opioid use is a public health concern. Our study demonstrates a statistically significant reduction in physician follow-up and participation in cardiac rehab among opioid users, both of which are known to decrease patient mortality. We did not find a statistically significant increase in unplanned healthcare utilization or mortality. Sensitivity analysis combining prehospital and posthospital opioid prescriptions did not reveal a statistically significant association between opioid use, hospital readmissions, or mortality. The hospital provides unique patient interactions where providers can make significant medical changes based on their patient’s clinical status. Continuing to understand the association between opioid use, healthcare utilization, morbidity, and mortality in recently hospitalized cardiac patients will provide data to support reduction in total opioid dose to improve clinical outcomes.
机译:目标/特定目的:阿片类药物处方在该国某些地区很普遍,并且有滥用和依赖的已知风险。我们的研究检查了急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)或急性失代偿性心力衰竭(ADHF)住院后出院的阿片类药物处方与急诊科(ED)或全因再入院,预期医疗保健利用率(在30天出院和心脏康复的参与)以及全因死亡率。方法/研究人群:范德比尔特住院患者队列研究是2011年至2015年间≥18岁接受ACS或ADHF入院的住院患者的前瞻性队列(指数住院)。然后,我们排除那些因接受阿片类药物的可能性较高而在指数住院期间死亡,住院时间少于24小时的患者,出院接受临终关怀的患者或接受冠状动脉搭桥手术的患者。此外,我们将分析限于具有完整协变量数据的患者。主要的预测变量是出院时的阿片类药物处方。我们收集了出院后90天的医疗保健利用率行为,并收集了2017年3月8日之前的死亡率数据。使用Cox比例风险模型对事件进行了时间分析,以分析意外的医疗保健利用率行为和死亡率结果。对预期的医疗保健利用进行逻辑回归(遵守随访预约和心脏康复)。调整所有模型的人口统计学数据,指数住院前使用阿片类药物,疾病严重程度以及指数住院前的医疗保健利用率。结果/预期结果:出院时有501例患者接受阿片类药物处方,1994例患者无阿片类药物处方。在有阿片类药物出院的患者中,有235名(47%)经历了计划外的医疗保健事件(71次急诊就诊和164次再入院),而在非阿片类药物患者中有775名(39%)的患者有计划外的医疗保健事件(254次ED就诊和521次再入院)(aHR:1.06,95 %CI:0.87,1.28)。阿片类药物组的患者死亡率为131,非阿片类药物组为432(aHR:1.08,95%CI 0.84,1.39)。与未使用阿片类药物治疗的患者相比,阿片类药物治疗组的患者接受随访或进行心脏康复的可能性较小(OR:0.69,95%CI 0.52,0.91,p = 0.009)。对开具处方院前阿片类药物(包括暴露组中有出院后阿片类药物的院前阿片类药物)的患者进行的敏感性分析未显示出统计学上显着的死亡率增加(aHR:1.09、95%CI 0.91、1.31)或意外的医疗保健利用率(aHR:1.12) ,阿片类药物使用者中的95%CI 0.89、1.41)。讨论/意义的影响:与阿片类药物使用相关的发病率和死亡率是公共卫生问题。我们的研究表明,在阿片类药物使用者中,医生的随访和参加心脏康复的人数在统计学上有显着降低,而这两项已知都可以降低患者的死亡率。我们没有发现计划外医疗保健利用率或死亡率的统计显着增加。结合院前和院后阿片类药物处方进行的敏感性分析未显示出阿片类药物使用,住院再入院率或死亡率之间的统计学显着相关性。医院提供了独特的患者互动方式,服务提供者可以根据患者的临床状况进行重大的医学改变。继续了解最近住院的心脏病患者中阿片类药物的使用,医疗保健利用,发病率和死亡率之间的关系,将为减少总阿片类药物剂量以改善临床结果提供数据。



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