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Accelerated evolution of an Lhx2 enhancer shapes mammalian social hierarchies




Phylogenetic tree of 19 amniotes for detecting PASs. The red branch indicates that mammalian social hierarchy systems might have emerged in the ancestral lineage of placental mammals. Sixteen amniotes linked by solid lines in the tree were used in the KFP test for accelerated evolution. Three other amniotes (Tasmanian devil, wallaby, and platypus) linked by dashed lines were included to validate the results of KFP test. Amniotes denoted with bold and underlined fonts were used for functional analyses. Manhattan plot of KFP screening results. Results of genome-wide scan for sequences with accelerated evolution are shown in Manhattan plot of significance against human chromosomal locations. Each dot represents one window. The location of the windows with the highest signal is indicated in red. The dash line denotes the threshold of the test after Bonferroni correction. Alignment of PAS1 nucleotide sequences of 19 amniotes. The locations of PAS1 regions containing clusters 1 and 2 with 11 significantly accelerated windows are shown. The evolutionary rates of PAS1 in the red (red), placental-specific (dark gray) and non-placental-specific (light gray) branches are shown in the middle panel. Coordinates of PAS1: human-hg19, chr9:126,770,367–126,771,183; mouse-mm9, chr2:38,203,254–38,204,076. Coordinates of core PAS1: human-hg19, chr9:126,770,494–126,771,174; mouse-mm9, chr2:38,203,382–38,204,067. Unrooted neighbor-joining tree of the conjunction of the accelerated clusters 1 and 2. The evolutionary distances were computed using the Tajima-Nei method.
机译:用于检测PAS的19种羊膜动物的系统树。红色分支表示哺乳动物的社会等级制度可能已经出现在胎盘哺乳动物的祖传世系中。在KFP测试中,通过树中的实线连接的16种羊膜用于加速进化。通过虚线连接的其他三个羊膜(塔斯马尼亚恶魔,袋鼠和鸭嘴兽)被用来验证KFP测试的结果。用粗体和带下划线的字体表示的羊膜用于功能分析。 KFP筛选结果在曼哈顿的情节。在曼哈顿地区针对人类染色体位置的显着性图中显示了具有加速进化的序列的全基因组扫描结果。每个点代表一个窗口。信号最高的窗口的位置以红色表示。虚线表示Bonferroni校正后的测试阈值。 19个羊膜动物的PAS1核苷酸序列的比对。显示了PAS1区域的位置,其中包含具有11个明显加速的窗口的群集1和2。中面板显示了红色(红色),胎盘特异性(深灰色)和非胎盘特异性(浅灰色)分支中PAS1的进化速率。 PAS1的坐标:human-hg19,chr9:126,770,367–126,771,183; mouse-mm9,chr2:38,203,254–38,204,076。核心PAS1的坐标:human-hg19,chr9:126,770,494–126,771,174; mouse-mm9,chr2:38,203,382–38,204,067。加速聚类1和2的并集的无根邻居合并树。使用Tajima-Nei方法计算进化距离。



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