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Growth in Clinical Research Productivity and Funding at the University of Hawaii’s John A. Burns School of Medicine: The Past 10 Years




Over the last ten years, faculty at the John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) and the University of Hawaii (UH) have been actively engaged in ongoing efforts to increase the quantity and improve the quality of biomedical research in the State of Hawaii. JABSOM’s Clinical Research Center (CRC), funded in 1995 by the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) and the Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) of the National Institutes of Health, has provided research infrastructure that has been essential to these efforts. The CRC and other JABSOM departments and affiliated programs have collaborated with public and private entities within the community, particularly in the area of health related to diverse racial and ethnic populations.This paper sets forth a number of the significant indicators of research progress, as illustrated primarily through CRC support for various research activities conducted at JABSOM.
机译:在过去的十年中,约翰·A·伯恩斯医学院(JABSOM)和夏威夷大学(UH)的教职员工一直在积极努力,以增加夏威夷州生物医学研究的数量和质量。 。 JABSOM的临床研究中心(CRC)由美国国家研究资源中心(NCRR)和美国国立卫生研究院少数民族研究中心(RCMI)于1995年资助,提供了对这些工作至关重要的研究基础设施。 CRC和JABSOM的其他部门及附属计划已与社区内的公共和私人实体进行了合作,特别是在与不同种族和族裔人口相关的健康领域。本文阐述了许多重要的研究进展指标,如图所示主要是通过CRC对JABSOM开展的各种研究活动的支持。



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