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Reduced Intensity Allogeneic Transplant In Patients Older Than 55 Years: Unrelated Umbilical Cord Blood Is Safe And Effective For Patients Without A Matched Related Donor




The lower morbidity and mortality of reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) regimens have allowed allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in older patients. Unrelated umbilical cord blood (UCB) has been investigated as an alternative stem cell source to suitably HLA matched related (MRD) and adult volunteer unrelated donors. We hypothesized that RIC HCT using UCB would be safe and efficacious in older patients and compared the transplant related mortality (TRM) and overall survival of RIC HCT in patients older than 55 years using either MRD (n=47) or, in patients with no 5/6 or 6/6 HLA compatible related donors, UCB (n=43). RIC regimen consisted of total-body irradiation (200 cGy) and either cyclophosphamide and fludarabine (n=69), or busulfan and fludarabine (n=16) or busulfan and cladribine (n=5). The median age of MRD and UCB cohorts was 58 (range, 55-70) and 59 (range, 55-69) years, respectively. AML/MDS (50%) was the most common diagnosis. All MRD grafts were 6 of 6 HLA matched to the recipient. Among patients undergoing UCB HCT, 88% received two UCB units to optimize cell dose and 93% received 1-2 HLA mismatched grafts. The median followup for survivors was 27 (range, 12-61) months. The 3-year probabilities of progression-free survival (30% vs. 34%, p=0.98) and overall survival (43% vs. 34%, p=0.57) were similar for recipients of MRD and UCB. The cumulative incidence of grade 2-4 acute graft-versus-host disease (42% vs. 49%, p=0.20) and TRM at 180-days (23% vs. 28%, p=0.36) were comparable. However, UCB recipients had a lower incidence of chronic graft-versus-host disease at 1-year (40% vs. 17%, p=0.02). On multivariate analysis, graft type had no impact on TRM or survival and HCT comorbidity index score was the only factor independently predictive for these endpoints. Our study supports the use of HLA mismatched UCB as an alternative graft source for older patients who need a transplant but do not have a MRD. The use of RIC and UCB extends the availability of transplant therapy to older patients previously excluded on the basis of age and lack of a suitable MRD. A careful review of existing comorbidities is necessary when considering older patients for HCT.
机译:降低强度调节(RIC)方案的较低的发病率和死亡率使得老年患者可以进行异基因造血细胞移植(HCT)。已经研究了无关的脐带血(UCB)作为合适的HLA匹配相关(MRD)和成年志愿者无关的供体的替代干细胞来源。我们假设使用UCB的RIC HCT在老年患者中是安全有效的,并比较了使用MRD(n = 47)或未使用MRD的55岁以上患者的移植相关死亡率(TRM)和RIC HCT的总体存活率。 5/6或6/6 HLA相容的相关供体UCB(n = 43)。 RIC方案由全身照射(200 cGy)和环磷酰胺和氟达拉滨(n = 69)或白消安和氟达拉滨(n = 16)或白消安和克拉屈滨(n = 5)组成。 MRD和UCB队列的中位年龄分别为58岁(55-70岁)和59岁(55-69岁)。 AML / MDS(50%)是最常见的诊断。所有MRD移植物均为与接受者匹配的6 HLA中的6。在接受UCB HCT的患者中,88%接受了两个UCB单元以优化细胞剂量,93%接受了1-2个HLA错配移植物。幸存者的中位随访时间为27(12-61)个月。对于MRD和UCB的接受者,三年无进展生存率(30%vs. 34%,p = 0.98)和总生存率(43%vs. 34%,p = 0.57)相似。在180天时,2-4级急性移植物抗宿主病的累积发生率(42%vs. 49%,p = 0.20)和TRM的累积发生率(23%vs. 28%,p = 0.36)是可比的。但是,UCB接受者在1年时发生的慢性移植物抗宿主病的发生率较低(40%比17%,p = 0.02)。在多变量分析中,移植物类型对TRM或生存率没有影响,并且HCT合并症指数评分是这些终点的独立预测因素。我们的研究支持将HLA不匹配的UCB用作需要移植但没有MRD的老年患者的替代移植物来源。 RIC和UCB的使用将移植治疗的可用性扩展到以前因年龄和缺乏合适的MRD而被排除的老年患者。考虑老年患者进行HCT时,必须仔细审查现有合并症。



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