首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>other >Morphology and Gene Sequence of Levicoleps biwae n. gen. n. sp. (Ciliophora Prostomatida) a Proposed Endemic from the Ancient Lake Biwa Japan

Morphology and Gene Sequence of Levicoleps biwae n. gen. n. sp. (Ciliophora Prostomatida) a Proposed Endemic from the Ancient Lake Biwa Japan

机译:琵琶鱼的形态和基因序列gen。n。 sp。 (ProstomatidaCiliophora)日本琵琶湖的特有种



Levicoleps biwae n. gen., n. sp. was discovered in organic mud on the shore of Lake Biwa, Japan. Its morphology and small subunit rRNA gene sequence were studied with standard methods. Further, we established a terminology for the colepid armour and selected four features for genus recognition: the number of armour tiers, the structure of the tier plates, the presence/absence of armour spines, and the number of adoral organelles (three or five). The Japanese colepid, a barrel-shaped ciliate with an average size of 75 × 45 μm, has six armour tiers and hirtus-type tier plates, but lacks armour spines, both in the environment and in laboratory culture. Thus, it is considered to represent a new genus. This rank is supported by the considerable genetic distance (7%) from the common Coleps hirtus. Although L. biwae looks quite similar to C. hirtus in vivo, it is very likely most closely related to Coleps amphacanthus, a species with conspicuous armour spines, as indicated by body size, the number of ciliary rows and, especially, the multiple caudal cilia. Lake Biwa is about four million years old and inhabited by many endemic organisms, ranging from algae to large fish. Thus, we suspect that L. biwae is restricted to Lake Biwa or, at least, to Asia. Based on literature data and the generic features established, we also propose the new genus Reticoleps for Coleps remanei , and resurrect the genus Pinacocoleps  to include Coleps incurvus , Coleps pulcher , Coleps tessalatus  and, probably, Baikalocoleps quadratus . Nine colepid genera are diagnosed and dichotomously keyed.
机译:琵琶鱼gen。,n。 sp。是在日本琵琶湖岸边的有机泥中发现的。用标准方法研究了其形态和小亚基rRNA基因序列。此外,我们建立了一种针对甲状疱疹的术语,并选择了四个用于属识别的特征:甲级的数目,层板的结构,甲状突的存在/不存在以及动脉细胞器的数目(三个或五个) 。日本蛇腹是一种桶形纤毛,平均大小为75×45μm,具有六个装甲层和多个平直的层板,但在环境和实验室培养中均没有装甲刺。因此,它被认为代表了一个新的属。与普通冬虫夏草的遗传距离(7%)相距很远,从而证明了这一排名。尽管琵琶乳杆菌在体内看起来与平纹梭菌非常相似,但很可能与山eps蚁(Colleps amphacanthus)密切相关,后者是具有明显的装甲刺的物种,如体型,睫状行数,尤其是多尾aud所示。纤毛。琵琶湖大约有400万年的历史,居住着许多地方性生物,从藻类到大型鱼类。因此,我们怀疑琵琶湖只限于琵琶湖,或者至少限于亚洲。根据文献数据和已建立的通用特征,我们还提出了用于Remanei remanei的新的Reticoleps属,并复活Pinacocoleps属,使其包括弯曲杆菌(Colleps incurvus),Colleps pulcher,Colleps tessalatus以及可能的Baikalocoleps quadratus。诊断了九个骨灰gene属并二分法。



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