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Lifetime criminality among boys with ADHD: a prospective follow-up study into adulthood using official arrest records




This study investigates the relationship between childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and later criminality. White boys (n = 207, ages 6–12) with ADHD, free of conduct disorder, were assessed at ages 18 and 25 by clinicians who were blind to childhood status. A non-ADHD group served as comparisons. Lifetime arrest records were obtained when subjects were 38 years old for subjects who resided in New York State throughout the follow-up interval (93 probands, 93 comparisons). Significantly more ADHD probands than comparisons had been arrested (47% vs. 24%), convicted (42% vs. 14%), and incarcerated (15% vs. 1%). Rates of felonies and aggressive offenses also were significantly higher among probands. Importantly, the development of an antisocial or substance use disorder in adolescence completely explained the increased risk for subsequent criminality. Results suggest that even in the absence of comorbid conduct disorder in childhood, ADHD increases the risk for developing antisocial and substance use disorders in adolescence, which, in turn, increases the risk for criminal behavior in adolescence and adulthood.
机译:这项研究调查了儿童注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)与后来的犯罪之间的关系。患有多动症的白人男孩(n = 207,年龄在6-12岁),没有行为障碍,由对童年状态视而不见的临床医生在18岁和25岁时进行了评估。一个非ADHD组作为比较。在整个随访期间,居住在纽约州的受试者年龄为38岁时获得了终生逮捕记录(93个先证者,93个比较)。被逮捕(47%比24%),被定罪(42%比14%)和被监禁(15%比1%)多得多的ADHD先证者。在先证者中,重罪和攻击性犯罪的比例也明显更高。重要的是,青少年时期反社会或物质使用障碍的发展完全解释了随后犯罪的风险增加。结果表明,即使在儿童期没有合并行为障碍的情况下,多动症也会增加青少年发生反社会和物质使用障碍的风险,进而增加青少年和成年犯罪行为的风险。



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