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Focal Dystonias of the Hand and Upper Extremity




Hand dystonia can cause substantial functional disability and is frequently misdiagnosed. In general, dystonia is a disabling disorder of motor control characterized by excessive muscle contractions that can produce involuntary movements and abnormal postures. Prevalence of dystonia can be as high as 1 in 2500 people. Dystonias can be classified based on etiology, age of onset, anatomical part affected, and their tempo. Etiologically, they are classified as primary when the dystonia is the main sign and the cause is genetic or unknown and secondary when there are other disease manifestations and the cause may be identifiable. Dystonias that start before 27 years of age are called childhood-onset dystonia; they usually start in the lower limbs, trunk, or upper extremities and frequently spread to the rest of the body. Adult-onset dystonias usually begin in the upper half of the body, and the risk of progression to other body parts depends on the anatomic site of onset. Anatomically, dystonias can be focal (1 body part), segmental (2 or more contiguous body parts), multifocal (2 noncontiguous areas), hemidystonia, or generalized. Based on their tempo, dystonias can be constant, intermittent, or situational, the latter including task-specific dystonias. The rest of the review focuses on the clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment of hand dystonia.
机译:手肌张力障碍可导致严重的功能障碍,并经常被误诊。通常,肌张力障碍是一种失能性运动控制障碍,其特征是过度的肌肉收缩会导致不自主运动和异常姿势。肌张力障碍的患病率高达2500人中的1人。肌张力障碍可以根据病因,发病年龄,受影响的解剖部位及其节奏进行分类。从病因上讲,当肌张力障碍是主要症状,病因是遗传的或未知的时,它们被归类为原发性疾病;当存在其他疾病表现且病因可查明时,则被归类为继发性。在27岁之前开始的肌张力障碍称为儿童期肌张力障碍。它们通常始于下肢,躯干或上肢,并经常扩散到身体的其他部位。成人发作性肌张力障碍通常始于身体的上半部,发展为其他身体部位的风险取决于发作的解剖部位。 解剖学上,肌张力障碍可以是局灶性的(1个身体部位),部分(2个或更多连续的身体部位),多焦点(2个非连续区域),肌张力障碍或全身性。根据他们的节奏,肌张力障碍可以是恒定的,间歇的或有条件的,后者包括特定于任务的肌张力障碍。其余的评论集中于手肌张力障碍的临床表现,鉴别诊断,病理生理学和治疗。



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