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Manipulating Attention via Mindfulness Induction Improves P300-based Brain-Computer Interface Performance




In this study, we examined the effects of a short mindfulness meditation induction (MMI) on the performance of a P300-based brain-computer interface (BCI) task. We expected that MMI would harness present moment attentional resources, resulting in two positive consequences for P300-based BCI use. Specifically, we believed MMI would facilitate increases in task accuracy and promote the production of robust P300 amplitudes. Sixteen-channel electroencephalographic data were recorded from 18 subjects using a row/column speller task paradigm. Nine subjects participated in a 6-min MMI and an additional nine subjects served as a control group. Subjects were presented with a 6×6 matrix of alphanumeric characters on a computer monitor. Stimuli were flashed at an SOA of 125ms. Calibration data were collected on 21 items without providing feedback. These data were used to derive a stepwise linear discriminate analysis classifier that was applied to an additional 14 items to evaluate accuracy. Offline performance analyses revealed that MMI subjects were significantly more accurate than control subjects. Likewise, MMI subjects produced significantly larger P300 amplitudes than control subjects at Cz and PO7. Discussion focuses on the potential attentional benefits of MMI for P300-based BCI performance.



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