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Migration Socio-cultural Factors and Local Cultural Worlds among Fuzhounese Chinese Immigrants: Implications for Mental Health Interventions




The last two decades have seen a rapid increase of Fuzhounese immigrants (from Fujian Province, China) to the U.S. This group spurred the interest of researchers because of their new immigrant status and their demographic and sociocultural background that places them at a significant disadvantage compared with the majority of already-established Chinese immigrants. This paper synthesizes existing research on the Fuzhounese’s historical/cultural and migration experiences and examines ways in which socio-cultural forces interact with post-migration stressors to impact the onset, manifestation, diagnosis, and treatment of symptoms in this group. From prior ethnographic work, we suggest that the pursuit of four core social goals plays a key role in interfering with psychiatric treatment adherence: 1) To pay off their smuggling debt (often >$80,000); 2) To send money to their natal families to improve social standing; 3) To save money for a dowry to perpetuate the familial lineage by marrying and producing offspring; and 4) To attain legal status. To offer more insight on how these core social motivations impact psychiatric disability, we present a case vignette of a Fuzhounese man diagnosed with schizophrenia. We relate his treatment issues to specific fundamental values that infuse both the lived experience of mental illness and inform clinical and community treatment strategies for this group. We also extend relevant treatment recommendations to migratory workers from other ethnic groups.
机译:过去二十年来,富镇移民(来自中国福建省)迅速增加,因为他们的新移民状况及其人口统计学和社会文化背景,这一集团刺激了研究人员的利益,与他们相比,他们将它们的人口统计和社会文化背景置于其中的重大劣势大多数已建立的中国移民。本文综合了对富列群岛历史/文化和移民经验的现有研究,并研究了社会文化力量与移民后压力源相互作用,影响本集团症状的发病,表现,诊断和治疗。从先前的民族行为工作中,我们建议追求四个核心的社会目标在干扰精神科治疗遵守方面发挥着关键作用:1)偿还他们走私债务(通常> 80,000美元); 2)向他们的纳塔瓦家庭汇款以改善社会站立; 3)省钱以嫁妆以通过结婚和生产后代来实现家族血统; 4)达到法律地位。提供更多关于这些核心社会动机如何影响精神疾病的洞察力,我们提出了一个诊断出精神分裂症的富列群人的病例小插图。我们将他的治疗问题与特定的基本价值观联系起来,这些基本价值观注入了精神疾病的潜在经验,并提供了这一群体的临床和社区治疗策略。我们还将相关的治疗建议与其他族裔群体的候工人延长至候工人。



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