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Photooxidation of Amplex Red to resorufin: implications of exposing the Amplex Red assay to light

机译:Amplex Red的光氧化至resorufin:将Amplex红色测定暴露于光的含义



The Amplex Red assay, a fluorescent assay for the detection of H2O2, relies on the reaction of H2O2 and colorless, nonfluorescent Amplex Red with a 1:1 stoichiometry to form colored, fluorescent resorufin, catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). We have found that resorufin is artifactually formed when Amplex Red is exposed to light. In the absence of H2O2 and HRP, the absorption and fluorescence spectra of Amplex Red changed during exposure to ambient room light or instrumental excitation light, clearly indicating that the fluorescent product resorufin had formed. This photochemistry was initiated by trace amounts of resorufin that are present in Amplex Red stock solutions. ESR spin-trapping studies demonstrated that superoxide radical was an intermediate in this process. Oxygen consumption measurements further confirmed that superoxide and H2O2 were artifactually produced by the photooxidation of Amplex Red. The artifactual formation of resorufin was also significantly increased by the presence of superoxide dismutase or HRP. This photooxidation process will result in a less sensitive assay for H2O2 under ambient light exposure and potentially invalid measurements under high energy exposure such as UVA irradiation. In general, precautions should be taken to minimize exposure to light during measurement of oxidative stress with Amplex Red.
机译:用于检测H2O2的Amplex红色测定,荧光测定依赖于H 2 O 2和无色,非荧光Amplex红色的反应,其中1:1化学计量形成有色,荧光超氧化合物,由辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)催化。我们发现当Amplex红色暴露在光线上时,将易于形成芳素。在不存在H 2 O 2和HRP的情况下,在暴露于环境室光或仪器激发光线期间,Amplex红色的吸收和荧光光谱改变,清楚地表明荧光产物的形式已经形成。这种光化学通过痕量的AMPLEX RED储备解决方案中存在的痕量毒素引发。 ESR旋转诱捕研究表明,过氧化物是该过程中的中间体。进一步证实氧气消耗测量结果进一步证实了通过Amplex Red的光氧化来赋予超氧化物和H 2 O 2。通过超氧化物歧化酶或HRP的存在,还显着增加了超法的形成。该光氧化过程将在环境光暴露下对H 2 O 2进行敏感的测定,并且在高能量曝光下可能无效测量,例如UVA辐照。通常,应采取预防措施,以最小化在测量氧化胁迫下的氧化胁迫下的光线。



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