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Mating of the Stichotrichous Ciliate Oxytricha trifallax Induces Production of a Class of 27 nt Small RNAs Derived from the Parental Macronucleus




Ciliated protozoans possess two types of nuclei; a transcriptionally silent micronucleus, which serves as the germ line nucleus, and a transcriptionally active macronucleus, which serves as the somatic nucleus. The macronucleus is derived from a new diploid micronucleus after mating, with epigenetic information contributed by the parental macronucleus serving to guide the formation of the new macronucleus. In the stichotrichous ciliate Oxytricha trifallax, the macronuclear DNA is highly processed to yield gene-sized nanochromosomes with telomeres at each end. Here we report that soon after mating of Oxytricha trifallax, abundant 27 nt small RNAs are produced that are not present prior to mating. We performed next generation sequencing of Oxytricha small RNAs from vegetative and mating cells. Using sequence comparisons between macronuclear and micronuclear versions of genes, we found that the 27 nt RNA class derives from the parental macronucleus, not the developing macronucleus. These small RNAs are produced equally from both strands of macronuclear nanochromosomes, but in a highly non-uniform distribution along the length of the nanochromosome, and with a particular depletion in the 30 nt telomere-proximal positions. This production of small RNAs from the parental macronucleus during macronuclear development stands in contrast to the mechanism of epigenetic control in the distantly related ciliate Tetrahymena. In that species, 28–29 nt scanRNAs are produced from the micronucleus and these micronuclear-derived RNAs serve as epigenetic controllers of macronuclear development. Unlike the Tetrahymena scanRNAs, the Oxytricha macronuclear-derived 27 mers are not modified by 2′O-methylation at their 3′ ends. We propose models for the role of these “27macRNAs” in macronuclear development.
机译:有纤毛的原生动物具有两种类型的核。转录沉默的微核,作为种系核;转录活性的大核,作为体细胞核。交配后,大核衍生自新的二倍体微核,亲本大核贡献的表观遗传信息可指导新大核的形成。在棘状纤毛纤毛虫Oxytricha trifallax中,对大核DNA进行了高度加工,以产生基因大小的纳米染色体,其两端均带有端粒。在这里,我们报告说,Oxytricha trifallax交配后不久,会产生大量27 nt的小RNA,这些小RNA在交配前不存在。我们从营养细胞和交配细胞中进行了Oxytricha小RNA的下一代测序。使用大核和微核版本的基因之间的序列比较,我们发现27 nt RNA类来自亲代大核,而不是发育中的大核。这些小RNA均从大核纳米染色体的两条链上均等产生,但沿纳米染色体的长度分布非常不均匀,并且在30 nt端粒附近位置特别消耗。与远缘纤毛四膜虫的表观遗传控制机制相反,在大核发育过程中从亲代大核产生这种小RNA。在该物种中,微核产生28–29 nt的scanRNA,这些微核衍生的RNA充当大核发育的表观遗传控制器。与四膜虫scanRNA不同,Oxytricha大核衍生的27聚体在其3'端没有被2'O-甲基化修饰。我们提出了这些“ 27macRNA”在大核发育中的作用的模型。



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