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Comparative Pathology and Ecological Implications of Two Myxosporean Parasites in Native Australian Frogs and the Invasive Cane Toad




Myxosporean parasites Cystodiscus axonis and C. australis are pathogens of native and exotic Australian frog species. The pathology and ecological outcomes of infection with these parasites were investigated in this study. Gliosis was correlated to Cystodiscus axonis plasmodia in the brains of (9/60) tadpoles and (3/9) adult endangered Green and golden bell frogs using ordinal regression. Severe host reactions to C. axonis (haemorrhage, necrosis, and vasulitis) were observed in the brains of threatened Southern bell frogs (8/8), critically endangered Booroolong frogs (15/44) and Yellow spotted bell frogs (3/3). Severe brain lesions were associated with behavioural changes, neurological dysfunction, and spontaneous death. Both C. axonis and C. australis develop in the bile ducts of tadpoles, the plasmodia were significantly associated with biliary hyperplasia, inflammation and the loss of hepatocytes in (34/72) Green and golden bell frog tadpoles using ordinal regression. These lesions were so severe that in some cases 70% of the total liver was diseased. Normal liver function in tadpoles is necessary for metamorphosis, metabolism, and immune function. We postulate that this extensive liver damage would have significant host health impacts. Severe hepatic myxosporidiosis was more prevalent in tadpoles examined in autumn and winter (overwintered), suggestive of delayed metamorphosis in infected tadpoles, which would have serious flow-on effects in small populations. We compared the sensitivity of histopathology and species-specific PCR in the detection of C. australis and C. axonis. PCR was determined to be the most sensitive method (detection limit 1 myxospore equivalent of ribosomal DNA). Histology, however, had the advantage of assessing the impact of the parasite on the host. It was concluded that these parasites have the potential for significant ecological impacts, because of their high prevalence of infection and their ability to cause disease in some frogs.
机译:粘孢子虫寄生虫囊藻和澳大利亚梭状芽胞杆菌是澳大利亚本地和外来青蛙物种的病原体。在这项研究中调查了这些寄生虫感染的病理学和生态学结果。使用序数回归,胶质沉着症与(9/60)and和(3/9)濒临灭绝的成年绿色和金色铃铛青蛙的大脑中的胞囊胞浆浆菌相关。在受到威胁的南方铃蛙(8/8),极度濒危的Booroolong蛙(15/44)和黄色斑点的铃蛙(3/3)的大脑中观察到了严重的宿主对弓形虫的反应(出血,坏死和血管炎)。 。严重的脑部病变与行为改变,神经功能障碍和自发死亡有关。 or的C. axonis和C. australis都在of的胆管中发育,疟原虫与(34/72)绿色和金铃蛙t的胆管增生,炎症和肝细胞的损失显着相关(通过序数回归分析)。这些病变非常严重,以至于在某些情况下有70%的肝脏全部患病。 meta的正常肝功能对于变态,代谢和免疫功能必不可少。我们假设这种广泛的肝脏损害会对宿主健康产生重大影响。在秋冬季检查的x中,严重的肝黏液孢子病更为普遍(越冬),这提示受感染的delayed变态延迟,这在少数人群中会产生严重的传染效应。我们比较了组织病理学和物种特异性PCR在检测C. australis和C. axonis中的敏感性。 PCR被确定为最灵敏的方法(检测限为核糖体DNA的1个粘孢子当量)。但是,组织学的优势在于可以评估寄生虫对宿主的影响。结论是,由于这些寄生虫的高感染率和某些青蛙的致病能力,它们具有潜在的重大生态影响。



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