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Parental Resources Schooling Achievements and Gender Schooling Gaps: Evidence of Change over 25 years in Rural Guatemala




We use village census data and linear regression models to examine changes between 1975 and 2002 in the associations of parental resources with boys' and girls' schooling in four rural Guatemalan villages. Levels of schooling in 1975 were universally low for children 7–17 years. Large increases in schooling achievements occurred between 1975 and 2002. By 2002, schooling levels were comparable for younger boys and girls (7–12 years, N = 3,525) and favored older boys compared to older girls (13–17 years, N = 2,440) by about 0.5 grades. The associations of household standard of living and maternal schooling with schooling among girls diminished over time and became more comparable with these associations among boys, and the associations of household standard of living with schooling among older boys declined and became more comparable with these associations among girls. Thus, as increased social investments reduce the costs of schooling or increase the supply and quality of schooling to families, the magnitudes of the associations between parental resources and children's schooling decline and become more gender equitable at all ages. However, our results show that older boys may benefit more than older girls from social investments in schooling. These changes suggest potential needs to monitor gender gaps in schooling retention among older children, to insure gender equitable access to social investments in schooling, and to encourage parents to invest in schooling as joint measures to achieve greater schooling achievements of girls and boys.
机译:我们使用村庄人口普查数据和线性回归模型来检验1975年至2002年之间危地马拉四个乡村的父母资源与男孩和女孩上学之间的关系变化。 1975年,7至17岁儿童的受教育水平普遍较低。 1975年至2002年之间,学业成绩大幅度提高。到2002年,年轻男孩和女孩的学业水平可比(7-12岁,N = 3,525),相比年龄更大的女孩(13-17岁,N = 2,440),偏爱年龄较大的男孩)约0.5个等级。随着时间的流逝,家庭生活水平和母校教育与女孩入学之间的联系逐渐减少,与男孩之间的这些联系变得更具有可比性,而年龄较大的男孩之间的家庭生活与学历的联系则有所下降,并且与女孩之间的这些联系更具可比性。因此,随着增加的社会投资减少了教育成本或增加了家庭的教育供应和质量,父母资源和儿童受教育程度之间的关联程度下降,各个年龄段的性别平等都变得更加公平。但是,我们的结果表明,在教育方面的社会投资可能会使年龄较大的男孩比年龄较大的女孩受益更多。这些变化表明,有可能需要监测年龄较大的儿童在留学率方面的性别差距,以确保性别平等地获得教育方面的社会投资,并鼓励父母投资于学校,作为共同措施,以实现更大的男孩和女孩的入学率。



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