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Growth of Tropical dasyatid Rays Estimated Using a Multi-Analytical Approach




We studied the age and growth of four sympatric stingrays: reticulate whipray, Himanutra uarnak (n=19); blue mask, Neotrygon kuhlii (n=34); cowtail, Pastinachus atrus (n=32) and blue-spotted fantail, Taeniura lymma (n=40) rays at Ningaloo Reef, a fringing coral reef on the north-western coast of western Australia. Age estimates derived from band counts within sectioned vertebrae ranged between 1 and 27 years (H. uarnak, 1 - 25 yrs.; N. kuhlii, 1.5 - 13 yrs.; P. atrus, 1 - 27 yrs. and T. lymma, 1 -11 yrs.). Due to limitations of sample sizes, we combined several analytical methods for estimating growth parameters. First, we used nonlinear least squares (NLS) to identify the growth model that best fitted the data. We then used this model, prior information and the data within a Bayesian framework to approximate the posterior distribution of the growth parameters. For all species the two-parameter von Bertalanffy growth model provided the best fit to size-at-age datasets. Based on this model, the Bayesian approach allowed the estimation of median values of W D∞ (cm) and k (yr-1) for the four species (H. uarnak: 149 and 0.12; N. kuhlii: 42 and 0.38; P. atrus 156 and 0.16, and T. lymma 33 and 0.24, respectively). Our approach highlights the value of combining different analytical methods and prior knowledge for estimating growth parameters when data quality and quantity are limited.
机译:我们研究了四种同伴黄貂鱼的年龄和生长情况:网状鞭子,Himanutra uarnak(n = 19);蓝色面罩,Neotrygon kuhlii(n = 34);牛尾,Pastinachus atrus(n = 32)和蓝斑的尾巴,Taeniura lymma(n = 40)在西澳大利亚州西北海岸的边缘珊瑚礁Ningaloo Reef上发出射线。从断层椎骨内的带计数得出的年龄估计值介于1到27岁之间(H. uarnak,1-25岁; N。kuhlii,1.5-13岁; P。atrus,1-27岁和T. lymma, 1 -11岁。由于样本量的限制,我们结合了几种分析方法来估算生长参数。首先,我们使用非线性最小二乘(NLS)来确定最适合数据的增长模型。然后,我们使用此模型,先验信息和贝叶斯框架内的数据来近似估算生长参数的后验分布。对于所有物种,两参数von Bertalanffy生长模型都最适合年龄大小的数据集。基于该模型,贝叶斯方法允许估计四种物种(H. uarnak:149和0.12; N。kuhlii)的WD∞(cm)和k(yr -1 )的中值:42和0.38;圆角对虾156和0.16,以及T. lymma 33和0.24)。当数据质量和数量有限时,我们的方法强调了将不同的分析方法和先验知识相结合的价值,以估算生长参数。



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