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Analyzing indirect effects in cluster randomized trials. The effect of estimation method number of groups and group sizes on accuracy and power




Cluster randomized trials assess the effect of an intervention that is carried out at the group or cluster level. Ajzen's theory of planned behavior is often used to model the effect of the intervention as an indirect effect mediated in turn by attitude, norms and behavioral intention. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is the technique of choice to estimate indirect effects and their significance. However, this is a large sample technique, and its application in a cluster randomized trial assumes a relatively large number of clusters. In practice, the number of clusters in these studies tends to be relatively small, e.g., much less than fifty. This study uses simulation methods to find the lowest number of clusters needed when multilevel SEM is used to estimate the indirect effect. Maximum likelihood estimation is compared to Bayesian analysis, with the central quality criteria being accuracy of the point estimate and the confidence interval. We also investigate the power of the test for the indirect effect. We conclude that Bayes estimation works well with much smaller cluster level sample sizes such as 20 cases than maximum likelihood estimation; although the bias is larger the coverage is much better. When only 5–10 clusters are available per treatment condition even with Bayesian estimation problems occur.
机译:整群随机试验评估在小组或整群水平上进行的干预措施的效果。 Ajzen的计划行为理论通常用于将干预效果建模为态度,规范和行为意图所间接介导的间接效果。结构方程模型(SEM)是估算间接影响及其重要性的一种选择技术。但是,这是一个很大的样本技术,并且在聚类随机试验中的应用假设聚类数量相对较多。实际上,这些研究中的簇的数量往往相对较小,例如,少于五十个。本研究使用模拟方法来查找使用多级SEM估计间接效应时所需的最少簇数。将最大似然估计与贝叶斯分析进行比较,中心质量标准是点估计和置信区间的准确性。我们还研究了间接影响测试的功效。我们得出的结论是,与最大似然估计相比,贝叶斯估计在较小的簇级别样本大小(例如20个案例)下效果很好;尽管偏差较大,但覆盖范围要好得多。即使采用贝叶斯估计,每种治疗条件下只有5-10个簇可用时,也会出现问题。



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