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Elevated Pancreatic Polypeptide Levels in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors and Diabetes Mellitus: Causation or Association?




Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) that secrete primarily pancreatic polypeptide (PP) are rare and usually nonfunctional. There are approximately two-dozen reports of PP-secreting PNETs, and three that have been associated with diabetes mellitus (DM). None suggest a mechanism for the association between PP-secreting PNETs and DM. We describe five patients with PP-producing tumors who were diagnosed with DM at the same time as their PNETs, review the literature on PP, and consider its role in the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus. The cases discussed were extracted from our surgical neuroendocrine tumor database. We examined all patients with PP-predominant PNETs—both with DM (n=5) and without (n=8). The five patients with DM at the time of PNET diagnosis demonstrated improvement or resolution of their DM post-operatively. In the patients with PP-secreting PNETs but no diagnosis of DM pre-operatively, one became hypoglycemic post-operatively, and two others developed post-operative DM. The five cases discussed in detail raise the question of whether the hypersecretion of PP in PNETs might be an important event leading to the development of diabetes mellitus. Although the literature does not provide a mechanism for this association, it may be related to the role of PP in hepatic glucose regulation.
机译:主要分泌胰腺多肽(PP)的胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤(PNET)很少见,通常无功能。大约有两份关于PP分泌PNET的报道,其中三份与糖尿病(DM)有关。没有人建议将分泌PP的PNET与DM之间建立关联的机制。我们描述了五例产生PP的肿瘤患者,将其与PNET同时诊断为DM,回顾了有关PP的文献,并考虑了其在糖尿病的病理生理中的作用。讨论的病例摘自我们的外科神经内分泌肿瘤数据库。我们检查了所有以PP为主的PNET的患者-DM(n = 5)和无DM(n = 8)。在PNET诊断时,五名DM患者表现出术后DM的改善或消退。在PP分泌型PNETs但术前未诊断出DM的患者中,一例在术后降血糖,另外两例在术后出现DM。详细讨论的五个案例提出了以下问题:PNETs中PP的过度分泌是否可能是导致糖尿病发展的重要事件。尽管文献没有提供这种关联的机制,但它可能与PP在肝葡萄糖调节中的作用有关。



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