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Movement and ranging patterns of the Common Chaffinch in heterogeneous forest landscapes




The partitioning of production forests into discretely managed forest stands confronts animals with diversity in forest attributes at scales from point-level tree assemblages to distinct forest patches and range-level forest cover. We have investigated the movement and ranging patterns of male Common Chaffinches, Fringilla coelebs, in heterogeneous forest production landscapes during spring and summer in south-western Germany. We radio-tracked a total of 15 adult males, each for up to six days, recording locations at 10-min intervals. We then performed point-level tree surveys at all tracking locations and classified forest stand attributes for the areal covering of birds’ ranges. Movement distances were shortest in beech forest stands and longer in spruce-mixed and non-spruce conifer stands. Movement distances increased with stand age in beech stands but not in others, an effect that was only detectable in a multilevel hierarchical model. We found negligible effects of point-level tree assemblages and temperature on movement distances. Daily range estimates were from 0.01 to 8.0 hectare (median of 0.86 ha) with no evident impact of forest attributes on ranging patterns but considerable intra-individual variation in range sizes over consecutive days. Most daily ranges covered more than one forest stand type. Our results show that forest management impacts the movement behaviour of chaffinches in heterogeneous production forest. Although point-level effects of movement distances are weak compared with stand-level effects in this study, the hierarchical organization of forest is an important aspect to consider when analysing fine-scale movement and might exert more differentiated effects on bird species that are more sensitive to habitat changes than the chaffinch.
机译:从点级树组合到不同的森林斑块和范围级的森林覆盖面,生产林被划分为离散管理的林分,面临着具有不同森林属性的动物。我们调查了德国西南部春季和夏季在不同森林生产景观中的雄性花鸡(Fringilla coelebs)的运动和分布方式。我们以无线电方式跟踪了总共15位成年男性,每位长达6天,每10分钟记录一次位置。然后,我们在所有跟踪位置进行了点级树调查,并为林区范围内的鸟类覆盖范围分类了林分属性。在山毛榉林中,移动距离最短,在云杉混交和非云杉针叶林中,移动距离更长。在山毛榉林中,移动距离随林木年龄的增加而增加,而在其他山毛林中则没有,这是仅在多层次分层模型中才能检测到的。我们发现点级树组合和温度对移动距离的影响可以忽略不计。每日范围估计为0.01到8.0公顷(中位数为0.86公顷),森林属性对测距模式没有明显影响,但连续几天的范围内个体差异很大。大多数日常范围涵盖了不止一种林分类型。我们的结果表明,森林经营会影响燕雀在异质生产林中的运动行为。尽管在这项研究中,运动距离的点级影响比站立级影响要弱,但是在分析精细尺度的运动时,森林的层次结构是要考虑的重要方面,并且可能对敏感度更高的鸟类产生更多的差异化影响。栖息地的变化要比花鸡大。



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