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Land Use and Land Cover Change Dynamics across the Brazilian Amazon: Insights from Extensive Time-Series Analysis of Remote Sensing Data




Throughout the Amazon region, the age of forests regenerating on previously deforested land is determined, in part, by the periods of active land use prior to abandonment and the frequency of reclearance of regrowth, both of which can be quantified by comparing time-series of Landsat sensor data. Using these time-series of near annual data from 1973–2011 for an area north of Manaus (in Amazonas state), from 1984–2010 for south of Santarém (Pará state) and 1984–2011 near Machadinho d’Oeste (Rondônia state), the changes in the area of primary forest, non-forest and secondary forest were documented from which the age of regenerating forests, periods of active land use and the frequency of forest reclearance were derived. At Manaus, and at the end of the time-series, over 50% of regenerating forests were older than 16 years, whilst at Santarém and Machadinho d’Oeste, 57% and 41% of forests respectively were aged 6–15 years, with the remainder being mostly younger forests. These differences were attributed to the time since deforestation commenced but also the greater frequencies of reclearance of forests at the latter two sites with short periods of use in the intervening periods. The majority of clearance for agriculture was also found outside of protected areas. The study suggested that a) the history of clearance and land use should be taken into account when protecting deforested land for the purpose of restoring both tree species diversity and biomass through natural regeneration and b) a greater proportion of the forested landscape should be placed under protection, including areas of regrowth.
机译:在整个亚马逊地区,先前砍伐过的土地上再生的森林年龄部分取决于废弃前的活跃土地使用时间和清除再生长的频率,这两者都可以通过比较以下方面的时间序列来量化: Landsat传感器数据。使用这些时间序列的1973-2011年附近马瑙斯(亚马逊州)北部地区,1984-2010年圣塔伦(帕拉州)南部和1984-2011年Machadinho d'Oeste(朗多尼亚州)附近地区的年度数据。记录了原始森林,非森林和次生森林的面积变化,从中得出了更新森林的年龄,活跃土地使用的时期和森林砍伐的频率。在马瑙斯(Manaus)和该时间序列结束时,超过50%的可再生森林的树龄超过16年,而在圣塔伦(Santarém)和马查迪尼奥埃斯特(Machadinho d'Oeste),分别有57%和41%的森林年龄在6-15岁之间,其余大部分是较年轻的森林。这些差异归因于自开始采伐森林以来的时间,还归因于后两个地点的森林砍伐频率较高,在此期间使用时间较短。在保护区之外也发现了大部分的农业许可。研究建议:a)保护砍伐森林的土地时应考虑清除和土地使用的历史,以通过自然再生来恢复树木的物种多样性和生物量; b)应将更大比例的森林景观置于保护,包括再生区。



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