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Is a Gin and Tonic More Like Gin or Tonic? A Comparison of Comorbid and Non-Comorbid Anxiety Disorder Diagnostic Pairs




Despite findings indicating that anxiety disorders are more likely to co-occur with each other than occur in isolation, little research has explored precise areas of overlap and differentiation among comorbid pairs of anxiety disorders. Furthermore, many studies comparing phenomena across anxiety disorders define comparison groups based on principal diagnoses, with lesser regard for comorbid diagnoses, raising the question as to whether this is a valid approach to analyzing comparisons. To better understand the extent to which comparisons by principal diagnoses are valid, the current study investigated whether comorbid hierarchically opposing diagnostic pairs showed similarities and differences from their non-comorbid, or “pure,” counterparts on measures of clinician-rated functioning, specific symptoms, vulnerability factors, and demographic characteristics. The study included a total of 353 participants with diagnoses of either Panic Disorder only, Social Phobia only, Generalized Anxiety Disorder only, or some comorbid pair of the three. Consistent with hypotheses, results demonstrated that hierarchically opposing diagnostic pairs showed more overlap than differentiation with each other and with non-comorbid counterparts on measures of a given specific non-comorbid diagnosis, indicating that defining comparisons by principal diagnoses may be invalid and misleading. The implications regarding the nosological structure of the DSM and research practice will be discussed.
机译:尽管有发现表明焦虑症比单独发生更容易同时发生,但很少有研究探索并存的焦虑症对之间精确的重叠和分化区域。此外,许多比较焦虑症现象的研究都根据主要诊断定义了比较组,而较少考虑合并症,这就提出了一个问题,即这是否是一种有效的比较分析方法。为了更好地了解主要诊断比较的有效程度,本研究调查了共病分层相对的诊断对在临床医师评定的功能,特定症状方面是否显示出与非共病或“纯”对应的相似之处和不同之处。 ,脆弱性因素和人口统计特征。该研究共纳入353名参与者,他们仅被诊断为恐慌症,仅社交恐惧症,仅患有广泛性焦虑症或三者中的某些并存疾病。与假设一致的是,结果表明,在给定的特定非合并症诊断指标上,层次结构相对的诊断对彼此之间的区别大于与非合并对症的诊断对的重叠,这表明通过主要诊断进行的比较定义可能无效且具有误导性。将讨论有关DSM的病态结构和研究实践的含义。



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