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Describing Art – An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Effects of Speaking on Gaze Movements during the Beholding of Paintings




Ever since the Renaissance speaking about paintings has been a fundamental approach for beholders, especially experts. However, it is unclear whether and how speaking about art modifies the way we look at it and this was not yet empirically tested. The present study investigated to the best of our knowledge for the first time in what way speaking modifies the patterns of fixations and gaze movements while looking at paintings. Ninety nine university students looked at four paintings selected to cover different art historical typologies for periods of 15 minutes each while gaze movement data were recorded. After 10 minutes, the participants of the experimental group were asked open questions about the painting. Speaking dramatically reduced the duration of fixations and painting area covered by fixations while at the same time increasing the frequencies of fixations, gaze length and the amount of repeated transitions between fixation clusters. These results suggest that the production of texts as well-organised sequences of information, structures the gazes of art beholders by making them quicker, more focused and better connected.
机译:自文艺复兴时期以来,对绘画的谈论一直是情人,尤其是专家的基本方法。然而,目前尚不清楚关于艺术的谈论以及如何改变我们对它的看法,这还没有经过实证检验。本研究首次以我们所学的知识进行了首次调查,即在观看绘画时,通过哪种方式说话可以改变注视和注视运动的方式。九十九名大学生观看了四幅被选为涵盖不同艺术历史类型的绘画,每幅画持续15分钟,同时记录了凝视运动数据。 10分钟后,向实验小组的参与者询问有关绘画的公开问题。演讲大大减少了注视的持续时间和注视所覆盖的绘画区域,同时增加了注视的频率,注视长度和注视群之间的重复过渡次数。这些结果表明,文本的产生以及信息序列的井井有条,通过使它们更快,更集中且更紧密地联系在一起,构成了艺术爱好者的注视。



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