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Some effects of fixed-interval duration on response rate in a two-component chain schedule




In Exp. I three pigeons were trained on a two-component chain schedule. Responding on a 1-min variable-interval schedule in the initial component led to a sequence of two fixed-interval schedules in the terminal component. The rate of reinforcement in the terminal component was kept constant while the values of the two fixed intervals were varied. Three combinations of fixed-interval schedules were studied, FI 0.25, FI 1.75 (minutes) or FI 1.00, FI 1.00, or FI 1.75, FI 0.25. The rate for each subject declined in the initial component as the value of the first fixed interval was increased. Experiment II was conducted to assess the role of the second fixed-interval schedule in the terminal component in determining the rate of responding in the initial component. For each chain schedule the rate of responding in the initial component was determined both with and without the second of the sequence of fixed intervals. In all three cases the rate of responding in the initial component decreased when the second fixed interval was removed. Increasing the first fixed interval in Exp. I had a greater effect on variable-interval performance than did the removal of the second fixed interval in Exp. II.
机译:在实验中我对三羽赛鸽的训练分为两部分。响应初始组件中的1分钟可变间隔时间表会导致终端组件中出现两个固定间隔时间表。当两个固定间隔的值发生变化时,末端组件中的增强率保持恒定。研究了固定间隔时间表的三种组合,即FI 0.25,FI 1.75(分钟)或FI 1.00,FI 1.00或FI 1.75,FI 0.25。随着第一固定间隔的值增加,每个对象的比率在初始分量中下降。进行实验II来评估第二个固定间隔时间表在终端组件中对确定初始组件响应速度的作用。对于每个链表,在有固定间隔序列中的第二个和没有固定间隔序列的情况下,确定初始组件中的响应速率。在所有这三种情况下,移除第二个固定间隔后,初始组件中的响应率都会降低。增加Exp中的第一个固定间隔。与移除Exp中的第二个固定间隔相比,我对可变间隔性能的影响更大。二。



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