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Connections Between Online Harassment and Offline Violence among Youth in Central Thailand




Increasing evidence indicates that face-to-face (offline) youth violence and online harassment are closely interlinked, but evidence from Asian countries remains limited. This study was conducted to quantitatively assess the associations between offline violence and online harassment among youth in Central Thailand. Students and out-of-school youth (n = 1,234, age: 15-24 years) residing, studying, and/or working in a district in Central Thailand were surveyed. Participants were asked about their involvement in online harassment and in verbal, physical, sexual, and domestic types of offline violence, as perpetrators, victims, and witnesses within a 1-year period. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess independent associations between different kinds of involvement in offline violence and online harassment. Perpetration and victimization within the past year were both reported by roughly half of the youth both online and offline. Over three quarters had witnessed violence or harassment. Perpetrating online harassment was independently associated with being a victim online (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 10.1; 95% CI [7.5, 13.6]), and perpetrating offline violence was independently associated with being a victim offline (AOR = 11.1; 95% CI [8.1, 15.0]). Perpetrating online harassment was independently associated with perpetrating offline violence (AOR = 2.7; 95% CI [1.9, 3.8]), and being a victim online was likewise independently associated with being a victim offline (AOR = 2.6; 95% CI [1.9, 3.6]). Online harassment and offline violence are interlinked among Thai youth, as in other countries studied so far. Interventions to reduce either might best address both together.
机译:越来越多的证据表明,面对面(离线)青年暴力行为和在线骚扰密切相关,但来自亚洲国家的证据仍然有限。这项研究的目的是定量评估泰国中部年轻人的离线暴力与在线骚扰之间的关联。对居住在泰国中部地区的学生和校外青年(n = 1,234,年龄:15-24岁)进行了调查。询问参与者如何在1年内以犯罪者,受害者和证人的身份参与在线骚扰以及口头,身体,性和家庭类型的离线暴力。多变量logistic回归用于评估线下暴力和在线骚扰中不同类型参与之间的独立关联。在过去的一年中,在线和离线的青年人中都有犯罪和受害现象。超过四分之三的人目睹了暴力或骚扰。进行在线骚扰与在线受害者独立相关(调整后的优势比[AOR] = 10.1; 95%CI [7.5,13.6]),而进行离线骚扰与离线受害者独立相关(AOR = 11.1; 95% CI [8.1,15.0])。在线骚扰与离线暴力独立发生(AOR = 2.7; 95%CI [1.9,3.8]),而成为在线受害者与离线受害者同样独立相关(AOR = 2.6; 95%CI [1.9, 3.6])。就像到目前为止其他国家一样,在线骚扰和离线暴力在泰国年轻人中间是相互联系的。减少任何一种干预措施可能最好同时解决这两个问题。



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