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Impact of a Father Figure’s Presence in the Household on Children’s Psychiatric Diagnoses and Functioning in Families at High Risk for Depression




The consequences of living in single-parent households on children’s wellbeing are well documented, but less is known about the impact of living in single-mother households among children with high familial risk for depression. Utilizing data from an ongoing three-generation study of high-risk families, this preliminary study examined a sample of 161 grandchildren of probands diagnosed with major depressive disorder, comparing those in single-parent households to those in dual-parent households with household status defined as the full-time presence of a resident male in the home. High-risk children were compared across households in terms of psychiatric diagnoses (measured by Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children; K-SADS-PL) and global functioning (assessed by Global Assessment Scale, child version; C-GAS). Results indicated that high-risk children in single-parent households had 4.7 times greater odds for developing a mood disorder and had significantly lower mean C-GAS scores (p = 0.01) compared to those in dual-parent households. Differences remained significant when controlling for household income, child’s age, and either parent’s depression status. There were no significant differences between high-risk children across households when household status was instead defined as legal marital status. This study has several limitations: sample size was small, pro-bands were recruited from a clinical population, and participants had not passed completely through the period of risk for adult psychiatric disorders. These findings point towards the importance of identifying and closely monitoring children at risk for depression, particularly if they reside in households without a resident father figure.
机译:单亲家庭生活对儿童健康的影响已有充分的文献记载,但单亲家庭生活对患有抑郁症的高风险儿童的影响知之甚少。利用一项正在进行的三代高危家庭研究的数据,这项初步研究对161名被诊断患有严重抑郁症的先证者的孙子进行了抽样调查,将单亲家庭与双亲家庭的家庭状况进行了比较作为一个常驻男性在家里的存在。根据精神病诊断(通过学龄期儿童的情感障碍和精神分裂症的时间表; K-SADS-PL)和全球功能(通过全球评估量表,儿童版本; C-GAS进行了评估),对各个家庭的高危儿童进行了比较。 )。结果表明,与双亲家庭相比,单亲家庭的高风险儿童患情绪障碍的几率高4.7倍,并且平均C-GAS得分也较低(p = 0.01)。在控制家庭收入,孩子的年龄以及父母双方的抑郁状况时,差异仍然很大。当将家庭状况定义为合法婚姻状况时,家庭中的高风险儿童之间没有显着差异。这项研究有几个局限性:样本量很小,从临床人群中招募了先证者,参与者没有完全渡过成人精神病风险时期。这些发现指出了识别和密切监视处于抑郁风险中的儿童的重要性,特别是如果他们居住在没有父亲父亲身分的家庭中。



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