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Towards Interactive Construction of Topical Hierarchy: A Recursive Tensor Decomposition Approach




Automatic construction of user-desired topical hierarchies over large volumes of text data is a highly desirable but challenging task. This study proposes to give users freedom to construct topical hierarchies via interactive operations such as expanding a branch and merging several branches. Existing hierarchical topic modeling techniques are inadequate for this purpose because (1) they cannot consistently preserve the topics when the hierarchy structure is modified; and (2) the slow inference prevents swift response to user requests. In this study, we propose a novel method, called STROD, that allows efficient and consistent modification of topic hierarchies, based on a recursive generative model and a scalable tensor decomposition inference algorithm with theoretical performance guarantee. Empirical evaluation shows that STROD reduces the runtime of construction by several orders of magnitude, while generating consistent and quality hierarchies.
机译:在大量文本数据上自动构建用户所需的主题层次结构是一项非常理想但具有挑战性的任务。本研究建议通过交互操作(如扩展分支和合并多个分支),使用户自由构建主题层次结构。现有的分层主题建模技术不足以实现此目的,因为(1)在修改分层结构时,它们不能始终如一地保留主题; (2)缓慢的推理会阻止对用户请求的快速响应。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种称为STROD的新方法,该方法基于递归生成模型和具有理论性能保证的可伸缩张量分解推断算法,可以对主题层次结构进行有效且一致的修改。实证评估表明,STROD将构建的运行时间减少了几个数量级,同时生成了一致且质量较高的层次结构。



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