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Air Pollution by Hydrothermal Volcanism and Human Pulmonary Function




The aim of this study was to assess whether chronic exposure to volcanogenic air pollution by hydrothermal soil diffuse degassing is associated with respiratory defects in humans. This study was carried in the archipelago of the Azores, an area with active volcanism located in the Atlantic Ocean where Eurasian, African, and American lithospheric plates meet. A cross-sectional study was performed on a study group of 146 individuals inhabiting an area where volcanic activity is marked by active fumarolic fields and soil degassing (hydrothermal area) and a reference group of 359 individuals inhabiting an area without these secondary manifestations of volcanism (nonhydrothermal area). Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were adjusted for age, gender, fatigue, asthma, and smoking. The OR for restrictive defects and for exacerbation of obstructive defects (COPD) in the hydrothermal area was 4.4 (95% CI 1.78–10.69) and 3.2 (95% CI 1.82–5.58), respectively. Increased prevalence of restrictions and all COPD severity ranks (mild, moderate, and severe) was observed in the population from the hydrothermal area. These findings may assist health officials in advising and keeping up with these populations to prevent and minimize the risk of respiratory diseases.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估长期因热液土壤扩散脱气而暴露于火山喷发的空气污染是否与人类的呼吸系统疾病有关。这项研究是在亚速尔群岛进行的,亚速尔群岛是一个活跃的火山活动区,位于大西洋,欧亚大陆,非洲和美国岩石圈板块汇合处。横断面研究针对的是146个居住在火山活动活跃的富马地气田和土壤除气(热液区)为特征的地区的研究小组,以及359个居住在这些火山活动没有这些次要表现的地区的参考小组(非热液区域)。调整了年龄,性别,疲劳,哮喘和吸烟的赔率(OR)和95%置信区间(CIs)。热液区限制性缺陷和阻塞性缺陷加重的COP的OR分别为4.4(95%CI 1.78-10.69)和3.2(95%CI 1.82-5.58)。在热液区的人群中,限制的患病率和所有COPD严重程度等级(轻度,中度和重度)均增加。这些发现可能有助于卫生官员为这些人群提供建议和跟进,以预防呼吸道疾病并将其风险降至最低。



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