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Action Identity in Style Simulation Systems: Do Players Consider Machine-Generated Music As of Their Own Style?




The generation of musical material in a given style has been the subject of many studies with the increased sophistication of artificial intelligence models of musical style. In this paper we address a question of primary importance for artificial intelligence and music psychology: can such systems generate music that users indeed consider as corresponding to their own style? We address this question through an experiment involving both performance and recognition tasks with musically naïve school-age children. We asked 56 children to perform a free-form improvisation from which two kinds of music excerpt were created. One was a mere recording of original performances. The other was created by a software program designed to simulate the participants' style, based on their original performances. Two hours after the performance task, the children completed the recognition task in two conditions, one with the original excerpts and one with machine-generated music. Results indicate that the success rate is practically equivalent in two conditions: children tended to make correct attribution of the excerpts to themselves or to others, whether the music was human-produced or machine-generated (mean accuracy = 0.75 and = 0.71, respectively). We discuss this equivalence in accuracy for machine-generated and human produced music in the light of the literature on memory effects and action identity which addresses the recognition of one's own production.
机译:随着音乐风格的人工智能模型的日益成熟,给定风格的音乐材料的生成已成为许多研究的主题。在本文中,我们解决了一个对人工智能和音乐心理学至关重要的问题:这样的系统能否生成用户确实认为与自己的风格相对应的音乐?我们通过对天真的学龄儿童进行表演和识别任务的实验来解决这个问题。我们让56名儿童表演了一种自由形式的即兴演奏,从中创作了两种音乐摘录。其中一个只是原始表演的录音。另一个是由一个软件程序创建的,该软件程序旨在根据参与者的原始表现来模拟参与者的风格。表演任务两小时后,孩子们在两种情况下完成了识别任务,一种是原始摘录,另一种是机器生成的音乐。结果表明,在两种情况下,成功率实际上是相等的:儿童倾向于将摘录归因于自己或他人,无论音乐是人工制作还是机器生成的(平均准确度分别为0.75和0.71) 。根据有关记忆效应和动作识别的文献,我们讨论了机器生成的和人工制作的音乐在准确性上的等效性,这涉及到对自己的作品的认可。



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